Is this article saying:
Cup of Black Coffee + Leftover Pizza = Girl Babies?
Steel Cut Organic Oatmeal + Raw Organic Brown Sugar + Soy Milk + an Organic Egg White Omelette + Mid-Morning Donut Sneaked In the Parking Lot at Dunkin’ Donuts = Boy Babies?
The article claims that a mother’s diet may determine the sex of their baby, according to a new study.
I had a long comment on how sexism skews discussion of biological research, but it was too boring.
If sugar and calorie levels really determined sex of babies, I would have all boys instead of all girls. I think it’s hooey.
Oh yes- I saw that article this morning and had to giggle.
Adventures In Babywearing’s last blog post..Little Man
I should NOT have 3 boys! I’m definitely on the girls diet
Sarah’s last blog post..Sign Me Up
Kind of scary, but it makes sense for my brood. However, I still think it’s bogus.
Jenni’s last blog post..Over and Out
I ate nothing but nacho chips and gingerale with all three of my kids. I should have given birth to Britney Spears three times over by now.
Rebecca’s last blog post..summer of the year
Funny, because my son was a surprise and I was dieting when I got pregnant with him, but my daughter was on purpose and I was really watching what I ate (healthy, but not trying to lose weight) with her.
Alice H’s last blog post..Cathedral Basilica at night
Mmm, pizza and speculation–I mean “study”.
Jamie’s last blog post..Baby, 539; Parents, 0.
Oh, I nearly choked on the ridiculousness of the article! Especially since the teaser read “Mother’s Diet During Pregnancy Influences Sex of Baby”.
ElleBee’s last blog post..More Randomness
Yeah, I should have had a boy, according to this…
Heidi’s last blog post..Who’s Got A Nickel?
Hmm… I thought the father’s “contribution” had something to do with determining the baby’s sex. Maybe I’m just jaded from all the political propaganda currently being thrown around, but this article seems like an attempt to rewrite biology.
Pizza causes girls. That would explain it!
Jill’s last blog post..Works For Me Wednesday- Transition for Formula to Milk
I honestly can’t tell when I look at what I ate with my kids, because I ate everything in sight! Except meat, for some reason meat grossed me out.
Ann’s last blog post..Memememe!
I really want another daughter… But I don’t want to eat nothing either. Maybe I should just leave it up to God!
Happy Mommy’s last blog post..What to help?
So did you see 9 news last night about the study of eating bananas and cold cereal and how it produces boy babies???
Joanne’s last blog post..Happier Times 2/Birth
Now wait a second, I eat a bowl of cold cereal most every day of my life. Where are my boys?
But if black coffee trumps cold cereal, well, there ya have it . . .
(When we were trying for AJ, I decided to try that Shettles method where you alter your diet and, um, plan events for certain days in your ovulation range, so that we could have a boy. I do believe God said, “Oh really? So you’re the one in control here? Hmmmmm, let’s see about that . . .”
Megan@SortaCrunchy’s last blog post..Thinking Thoughts