Two birthdays in one week! Aidan turned 16 on Monday and Sam turned 13 on Saturday. Cake and pie and ice cream, oh my. Aidan and Sam celebrated with family gatherings, plus Sam enjoyed a bonus Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D party thanks for our friends at Nintendo (more about that later…)
Other highlights of summer break, week six, include a wonderful family reunion and an audition (me!) for Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

First watermelon

Sweet Sixteen

Silly Sixteen

Sixteen Candles


Do you see Cedric?

Tiki Tiki Tiki Room

Thirteen Candles ~ Sam's party #1

Thirteen Candles, again. Party #2!
Summer 2013 Review:
Week One ~ A Slow Start
Week Two ~ Ups, Downs, Downs, a Half-Up, Downs, Ups
Week Three ~ In a Very Big Time Out
Week Four ~ Back in the Corner
Week Five ~ Summer Decides to Show Up
Happy Brilliant Birthdays… to your gang!!! And great celebrating!!! I have to ask… did you really audition? I have never actually seen it… but I have heard of it!!! Incredible!!!
Yep! I really auditioned!