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Tom Hanks: 0, Larry Hagman: 1



(these are actual pages from my childhood diary…I was 9 1/2 years old)

9 comments to Tom Hanks: 0, Larry Hagman: 1

  • Oh my goodness. That is priceless!


  • sister-of-mopsy

    That makes me laugh…. you had good handwritting as a 9 1/2 year old… and I remember three’s company and bosom buddy’s were on the not for kids list… but Dallas was OK?

  • Holy cow, that is hilarious. Yet another example of parental logic on the fritz. Mine often does that, I fear.

  • Shayne

    I love it! I watched Dallas at that age too — it was a big family event. We would go to my grandmother’s house and my aunt and uncle were there, too. I thought I’d never make it through the summer wondering who shot J.R.?!?

    I love how you signed each diary entry, in case there was any confusion about who wrote it.

  • That is so funny. I ahve no idea where my diary is. I like your blog I will be back. Stop by and visit me sometime if you like.

  • Cute! My parents watched Dallas, but we kids couldn’t.

  • Kelly

    Allowed to watch Dallas, but not Bosom Buddies, hmmm. Hilarious handwriting!!!

  • Rae

    So sweet. Little girl you!

  • Jennifer

    Wow- not only do we both love Casa Bonita’s sopapillas, but we are the same age AND our parents let us watch Dallas as kids! The big difference being mine let me watch Bosom Buddies, but Three’s Company was a no go. Funny…we would all sit down to watch Love Boat together, but Bewitched reruns? NEVER!

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