Yesterday morning, before my big ultrasound appointment, I sat on my bed and prayed all would be well. I could feel the baby kicking and squirming, very much alive. But my fears took over until I trembled. The baby was alive, but was he/she healthy? Everything that can possibly go wrong in utero scrolled through my mind like a slideshow. It was consuming me and I needed to calm down.
As I poured out my heart and laid my fears down, I began to feel a sense of peace flood around me. Suddenly, I was seized by stark truth—what I was imagining and fearing wasn’t based in fact. Not even close. How dare I foist the worst onto my shoulders when I’m so wildly blessed? The reality and truth of this moment, this time, this baby, is that I am privileged. I am his/her protector, carrier, the person who gets to tap back love letters when kicked in the middle of the night.
This baby I love. No matter what.
The ultrasound went well. The baby was hands-on, playing with feet and face but making some of the anatomy views difficult. The mesh in my lower abdomen creates a shadow-effect, further blocking a perfect view. I have to go back in two weeks to try to see more, but for now baby looks perfectly healthy and growing right on target.
And yes, we found out if baby is a boy or a girl.
With Teddy, we told the kids via pizza.
This time, we had the idea to fill black helium balloons with either blue or pink confetti. The kids would each get to pop a balloon and find themselves showered with the news. But the party store said it was against policy because it’s “hazardous.” Other ideas were solicited, including a water balloon fight with colored water. We almost went that direction until we thought of having a little pinata party.
I filled it yesterday afternoon with colorfully-wrapped candies, fruit snacks, and little toys all meant to reveal boy or girl in an obvious, admittedly-stereotypical way.
We are proud to announce we are having our seventh son!
I’m the one who announced it in the ultrasound room. The tech hovered over the thighs and bottom. I said, “it’s a boy!” because he was making it obvious. There is no doubt. And then I laughed because wow. Just wow.
I was a little worried about Beatrix, who has been telling me for weeks she wants to be a big sister to a little sister. I was prepared with a speech about how special it is to be one of two girls—and our baby girl—but it wasn’t necessary. She took the news with a sunny smile, just happy there’s a baby on the way.
Now it’s time to start thinking of a name for Mr. Baby.
Yeah! So excited for you!
Hooray! I am trusting that all is well, at least as far as anyone knows? So happy for your family.
Seven boys! Wow! Congratulations! (I’ve got three boys, no girls, and my bathroom is alwaysalwaysALWAYS smelling of pee. I’m amazed at the notion of more than twice as many).
I love that you had a party. That’s really cute.
SOOOO happy for you! I love how you reveal the gender of the babies. Congrats Mama!
Yay! How exciting!! Congrats!!
AHHH!!! So excited! I’ve been waiting all day for this post!
And I totally, completely understand the feelings before the ultrasound, I was right there with you. After, Drew and I got to go to lunch and I prayed for our lunch and started crying at the gratefulness of everything being good and the weight off my heart.
Yay! Another sweet little boy is on the way! I’m so happy for you and am delighted that the little fellow is healthy.
Congratulations!! Very happy to hear all is well and that another brother is on the way!
Wow is right!! I am so excited for you. Early on you won me over because of your understanding of mothering boys. I’ll never forget that. What a lucky kid he is to have you as mom.
Congratulations!! So exciting.
Congrats! Love you guys!
What a creative way to tell your kiddos, and congrats!!
Hooray! Congrats and welcome to The Seven Boys Club!
btw, the security word to submit my comment was “bless” – how appropriate is that?
Oh so happy for you! Nothing sweeter than a houseful of boys.
Okay, can I just share my boy name that I think is wonderful (and I never got to use when my youngest was a girl?): SCHAEFFER. As in, the great theologian Francis Schaeffer. Just love it. (Sorry for joining the throngs of people who give you unsolicited advice when your pregnant. Carry on.)
Many congratulations!
OH WOW! A boy baby! How wonderful!!!!!!! I have to confess, I TOTALLY thought this one was a girl. My intuition – oy vey. It’s pretty much not so great, I guess.
Well, seven IS the number of perfection.
I’m so happy for you. SO EXCITED! And praying for you to revel in that same peace and joy for the last few months.
Man I am so edited for you!!! A seventh son is very special!!! Very very special!!! Can’t wait to meet the little guy!!!
And edited – should of course be edited and read excited!!!
7 sons is pretty awesome, Gretchen! Congrats to all of you!