Hubby here for Gretchen to announce Mr. Baby backed his way into the world this morning at 10:29. I’m also instructed to give his measurements. 7 lbs and 15 oz. 19 inches long. 14 inch circumference head.
Gretchen and baby had a rough delivery, but both are well. All are tired but sick of bed. I’m sure she’ll post a much more thorough and more eloquently written post within the next couple of days.
Thanks for all your prayers.
Congratulations! So happy to hear that Gretchen and Mr. Baby are doing well. I will be looking forward to hearing the whole story in the coming days.
.-= Amy´s last blog .. =-.
Congratulations! So glad to read an update–been checking FB all day and will be anxious to hear how the x-ray went. Love and prayers to you all.
Oh I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!! You had surely had enough!!! Congratulations to all of you!!! Welcome to the world of eight!!! Have a lovely day – Remember it forever… lots of love to all of you!!!
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Saturday Spot- The Sketch Book Project… =-.
Oh, thank God everyone is doing okay… many prayers for a quick recovery and much love to you all. Welcome to the world Mr. Baby!
.-= Jill´s last blog ..So close to the close of another summer =-.
I am soooooooooooooo happy for you and your family!!!! Congradulations!!!! Am praying for your recovery. Enjoy every second of your newborn boy:)
Congrats, Gretchen and family! When I was up in the night with Annika, I was praying for you and your little guy!
.-= Kristin´s last blog of conciousness =-.
Blessings to you on the safe delivery of Mr. Baby. Can’t wait to see pictures of the new member of the family. Hope your recovery is uneventful!
Wonderful news! Congratulations!
.-= Angie B´s last blog ..A Wii Bit of Exercise =-.
Congratulations! I can’t wait to hear more of the story.
.-= Misti´s last blog ..Love You- Forever =-.
Congratulations Lifenut Family!
.-= Sarah@ Life in the Parsonage´s last blog ..Family Picture Time =-.
been checking everyday…so happy for you and your family…can’t wait to hear all about the new member to your beautiful bunch!
Congratulations Gretchen and family! Praying everyone heals quickly!
Congratulations! May God bless you in every way!
.-= Dorci´s last blog ..Of the Sons and Daughters of the King =-.
Congratulations, Gretchen!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Summer Reading Contest Post 5 =-.
So happy for you all. Here’s to a healthy baby and happy Mom leaving the hospital soon! (And may the indent in your bed finally fade away. Omaine.)
.-= Kelly @ Love Well´s last blog ..Tough Guy =-.
Congratulations! So happy all is well.
Congratulations to you all! Wishing good health and healing for Mom and Baby Bruce.
.-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..What’s On Your Nightstand- August =-.
Super-speedy thoughts of recovery to Gretchen and Mr. Baby!! (Oh, and just so you know, I HAVE been calling him Bruce.) 😉
.-= The Casual Perfectionist´s last blog ..The Obligatory First Day of School Shots & My Not-So-Secret Plot to Take Over the World =-.
Congratulations! So happy for you all and glad that baby is doing well! =0)
.-= Gretchen´s last blog ..Changes =-.
I’m so glad he’s here!! I figured when you mentioned blood work on friday that he might be coming today. Welcome to the World, Mr. Baby….
.-= Aubrey´s last blog ..Why I love geriatrics =-.
Well hooray that he is here and all are well now. Thanks for the update!
.-= nicole´s last blog ..One Foot in Front of the Other =-.
Oh boy – I take a few weeks off the Internet and everything happens. Just catching up and thrilled to welcome Mr Baby!
Congratulations! Praying for a speedy recovery…
.-= Mary @ Parenthood´s last blog ..August 12- 2010 =-.
Congratulations, Gretchen! I hope that you have time to rest and heal and rub your cheek on that delicious baby-head. Enjoy!!!
.-= Emily´s last blog ..Endless Gifts XXXXII =-.
Congratulations 🙂
Yay!! Congratulations!
.-= Miranda´s last blog ..Reminiscing =-.
Good news! Hope everyone is doing well.
Congratulations! I am so happy to hear that he is here and you are both doing well!! Welcome to the world little Theodore. (Will you call him Teddy?)
.-= Erin´s last blog ..the details- part 2 =-.
My darling son turned 1 today, congratulations on the arrival of your darling son. Such a beautiful name. Sorry it was a rough ride. Take care of yourself.
.-= Rachael´s last blog ..MTM! =-.
Seriously glad to hear it. Yay!