Today was field day at our three oldest kids’ school. Tommy, Joel, and I tried to follow the big kids as they rotated with their classes around the field, blacktop, and gym, but it got to be too much after awhile so I let them attack the playground equipment. Sometime while playing, Tommy removed his socks and shoes.
I told him to find his socks and shoes so we could put them back on. He scrambled up a ladder and disappeared into a tube. An acquaintance’s son found Tommy’s socks and shoes and handed them to me through holes in the tube. A few feet away two little feet poked through. How cute! I thought as I snapped pictures and told the feet to stay right there!
I unfurled the balled socks to put them on the little feet. I started putting one sock on, then it occured to me if I put the shoes on, his feet may not fit back through the holes. I told the footsies to meet me at the bottom of the slide. I turned around.
Tommy was standing right behind me, looking at his shoes expectantly. It was suddenly clear what I had been about to do. A boy in an orange t-shirt appeared at the bottom of the slide. He was barefoot.
I wonder if he ran off to tell his mom some weird lady was trying to put shoes on him?
OK, that’s just plain ol’ funny!
Mopsy, please tell me you’re saving this in hard copy for a compilation book.
BTW, did you watch the Evolution of Dance video I mentioned. You will so laugh out loud. I’d like to return the favor, even if it’s not really me doing it.
This is hilarious. It’s my first time here and I think this story is so funny!
Too funny! At least you didn’t succeed…you may have never seen those shoes again.
Well. It just goes to show….something. Don’t know what. Laughing to hard to think!
*snort* That’s great!
LOL… his mom is probably calling the principal to report you tomorrow.
well when you’re a mom whats one foot from another! LOL
{{{snicker}}} Too funny!
Thanks for the laugh! The funniest story I’ve heard all day. Your kids can laugh about this one for years to come.
Oh that was laugh-out-loud funny.
Great pic, by the way. Kid in orange shirt has cute feet.
Giggle, giggle!
OMG! Were you arrested….call us if you need any bail $$$$!
Ha! That’s classic. I wish you’d gone ahead and “socked” him. I love that he posed for your pictures.
This made me LOL…It also reminded me of a time I was at the mall with my brood and I was hearding them along and a darling little girl ended up being pushed along by my hand…I looked down when she hesitated and realized, OOPS! apologized and handed her off to her mother who must have thought I was trying to kidnap her little cutie…the rest of my kiddo’s were laughing and giggling saying “Momy, THAT wasn’t Lizzie”…
Thank’s for sharing~