1. Better chances in cake walks.
2. Always someone in earshot when you yell for more toilet paper.
3. Always enough people to make Apples to Apples more competitive and compelling.
4. For the younger kids, there are plenty of people capable of checking your math homework.
5. If a pot needs to be stirred frequently, there’s someone handy.
6. They share chores, so they actually do less chores.
7. Each baby arrives home from the hospital to more and more arms open wide.
8. Lost things are found more quickly when a half-dozen people are searching.
9. When you are sick, you have a lot of concerned visitors.
10. Dance parties are like actual dances.
11. Being a flash mob is a way of life.
12. Safety in numbers, like when the boys invade public restrooms.
13. The Halloween candy haul is shamefully, delightfully over-the-top.
14. Snowball fights and snow forts are epic.
15. People randomly shout “Bless you!” in parking lots.
16. At least one of your siblings will share your affinity for oddball things, like Gumby or wombats.
17. Plausible deniability.
18. The match-ups rarely repeat in the family gift exchange drawing every Christmas.
19. I don’t have to store leftovers, because there are rarely leftovers.
20. We get to celebrate often with 10 birthdays a year, plus holidays ~ always a happy time in the near future.
21. When we are sad, there is always someone who knows exactly how to cheer us up.
22. If your family gets a new puppy in early winter, and it’s snowy, you won’t have to take him out so often because there are 6 other people who can put on boots and shiver.
23. When illness strikes, there is usually someone else with the same malady to keep you company in your misery, watch movies with you, and nap with you.
24. We can do a legitimate chorus line.
25. Ben Franklin said it best: He that raises a large family does, indeed, while he lives to observe them, stand a broader mark for sorrow; but then he stands a broader mark for pleasure too.
I’ve never read that quote. Wonderful. More players for games was one of my first thoughts. If you’re near the end of the kid line, Mom and Dad have figured out more and are probably better at this parenting thing (or at least more relaxed). You never have to sleep alone, a good thing if you’re afraid of the dark/storms/wind/monsters. An army of supporters when things don’t go your way.
I love this post!
Love this!
Mary, momma to 10
I love, love these last two posts. Having a big family sounds wonderful!
Makes me think I should write about my tiny little family.
Love, love, LOVE this post! That’s a great quote, too.
Have always loved the Ben F quote…and your list is spot-on!
Both of these posts made me laugh out loud in turn. Brilliant lists. I love every bit of humor and wisdom. Just love.
And now I feel compelled to add: BLESS YOU!
You make me want more kids!
Really like this post! I have two girls and one of us is often stuck with no toilet paper! Perhaps a bigger family would solve that issue.
Thanks for the lift today!
What a wonderful post….You are Blessed!! <3
This brought tears to my eyes…happy tears
Plausible deniability. *snort* Love it!
Gotta love your lists!!! And that quote is so beautiful!!! So believe in safety in numbers… And always someone to read a story… always a game to join in… always someone doing a project you can help with… and always someone desperate to dash to the store for me and a meal isn’t a meal until there has been a spillage… Always, always, always someone to talk to!!!
I love the dance party one– my kids love having dance parties. What a beautiful family you have!
Awwww… I LOVE THIS- it is so perfect with the DOWNSIDE One…. I am so glad I read it – I guess if we “accidentally” get pregnant again, it’ll be just fine. Thanks!
Made me smile, laugh and cry at the same time.
Hysterical. We are 7 children and my aunt has 14, so this is not a strange concept to me at all. Bravo on the great attitude!!
What a sweet list! Some of these things remind me of when the 9 Family Farm cousins get together, especially visitors and camaraderie and the one about a new baby coming home. Next week a new cousin is arriving on the Family Farm. Hooray for 10 cousins!
Love it. The sick with lots of visitors is so true here! Our kids love each other so much.