This photo was taken on March 15th.
I had an OB appointment today. It was the standard weigh/pee/blood pressure/heart tones affair, with bonus bloodwork.
~BP was 100/61.
~Weight was -1 pound, bringing me to a total pregnancy weight shift of -5 pounds.
~Baby’s heart was galloping along at 153.
My next appointment will be the Big Ultrasound. We plan to peek.
Another belly photo is coming this weekend after I write about what I did last night. Hint: I was backstage and my hearing is still a little off. I hope the baby’s ears are okay.
Archie has 3 molars invading his little mouth, with the 4th poised to poke through. It’s a Dentalanche. As you may expect, his mood hasn’t been very sunny.
I’ve said this before, but I find it very difficult to write when I am pregnant. My creative energies are devoted to thinking about baby names and having totally wackadoodle dreams at night.
Lovely. You are at the cute pregnant stage. (Are you feeling better then? Second trimester bliss?)
I didn’t find it difficult to write during this pregnancy. But at this stage, I’m finding difficult to do anything but whine. This is a first for me. Normally, the end of the pregnancy isn’t so hard.
LOVE that belly
You are so blessed!
Look how cute you are! I can’t wait to hear if you are cooking up something pink or blue!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Nine =-.
Can’t wait to meet the belly in person. (I’ve already met you, so meeting the belly will be a first!) Eek. Very excited for all of it!
And I totally understand the lack of creativity. Ugh. Only my camera has saved my blog from a total abandonment.
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..7 Quick Takes: Things I Keep Meaning to Write About =-.
Oh your tum looks so pretty!!! And poor archie… we are having a teething event over here, how could I forget this from one kidlet to the next!!!
Cute belly. I’m loving how you describe it as a weight shift.
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..Kolby, You’re 4! =-.
Lookin’ good!
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..Kid Quote =-.
Aww! Way cute. And that’s a way cute preg. shirt. Why didn’t they have clothes like that in the olden days when this was me?
.-= The Damsel in DisDress´s last blog ..pruning raspberries =-.
and whoa. That’s a cool comment thingy. Is that a wordpress plugin? If so I’d love to find out about it.
.-= The Damsel in DisDress´s last blog ..pruning raspberries =-.
Keep posting baby updates and belly photos…some of us never tire of those things.
.-= joanne´s last blog ..Snoring =-.
You are so darn cute.
.-= Heather of the EO´s last blog ..homeschooling, neglected emails, our roof, oldest siblings, being incorrect, gardening, and a Keurig (those are 7 things) =-.
Love the tummy! I’m looking forward to getting to know this little one.
.-= Mary-LUE´s last blog ..Um… er… =-.
I’d love to hear about your whackdoodle dreams, personally. I’ve been having some doozies myself. And “dentalanche”? Genius. Cutest pg belly I’ve ever seen!
.-= jenni´s last blog ..Life Makes Me Sick =-.
I love this post, Gretchen. So that heartrate could go either way, you think?
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..Around my little house. =-.
Love that sweater! Girl. Could we set up some type of betting pool where we win millions if we are right?
I’m so excited for you!
.-= Sarah@Clover Lane´s last blog ..Born To Play =-.
Negative weight shift? Is that a positive thing? Is it supposed to work that way?
Poor Archie. Poor you. Molars were the worst for us (so far!).
.-= Anonymouse´s last blog ..this sucks =-.
Lovely picture. Sounds like everything is as it should be. congratulations!
.-= nicole´s last blog ..Friday Faves March 19 =-.
oh Man do I want to be pregnant after seeing this photo! Congrats and best of luck to you!!
.-= Pamela´s last blog ..My Thing =-.
How wonderful to see that tummy and to hear about the great development of your new little one! I am SO happy for you!!
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..How True! =-.
Yay for belly photos! You look great! =)
.-= Sarah @´s last blog ..There is love here. =-.