I’ll have a lot of fun with his name, based on the clever title for this post. Here are some photos I took of Theodore before we left the hospital. We came home yesterday.
I am still working on the birth story, which has been hard to corral into neat, punchy paragraphs.
Oh my goodness, he is divine. Love the title of this post.
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..There Is A Story Behind This One =-.
He is precious!! Congrats again!
Absolutely delicious! Congratulations to you and your wonderful family!
.-= Jenn´s last blog ..Forks =-.
Ohhh that fluffy newborn hair, ohhhh that little “life nut” mouth…. ohhh sigh!!! He is “Bee you tea full”!!!
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Sunday Snippet- A Visit to Egypt… =-.
Love the title/name! He is breathtaking! Congratulations on bringing home baby! 🙂
.-= Stephanie Gardner´s last blog ..Fourth Home- Still Many Firsts =-.
Awwwwwwwwhhhhhhh. He is heartbreakingly lovely. Be blessed little Theodore!
.-= Bonnie´s last blog ..Quotes from the Backseat =-.
He’s beautiful!
OH the fuzzy sweetness! What a peach!
.-= jenni´s last blog ..Here’s the thing… =-.
He is scrumpdiddlyupmtious. And awesome. And gorgeous.
I may have just rubbed his sweet little cheek on my computer screen. Oh new baby yumminess. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
.-= Sarah@ Life in the Parsonage´s last blog ..Ive Conquered Math =-.
He is so sweet! And LOVED the post title 😉
.-= edj´s last blog ..Retaining Your Sanity- A quick how-to guide Part 3 1-2 =-.
He is beautiful! Congratulations!
What a sweet and beautiful boy with a name I just love! You must be sooooooooo happy! Thank you very much for sharing these photos!
He is so precious! Thanks for sharing the pics.
.-= Misti´s last blog ..Love You- Forever =-.
What an adorable baby! I can almost smell that wonderful new baby smell…. just want to smother him with kisses!
absolutely beautiful! thanks for sharing. and congratulations on producing such a stunningly gorgeous newborn! 😉
Omgosh! Adorable. Even Ms Becca let out a sigh, when she just walked in and saw him! Soooo cute!
He is lovely! Good job!
He is incredibly adorable! The sweetness of newborns is divine.
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..First Day of Kindergarten =-.
Thank God for little Theodore, and for families like yours who are welcoming to children. He is lovely.
.-= GretchenJoanna´s last blog ..Animal- Vegetable- Weed =-.
Those cheeks are absolutely delicious! Do you just smooch on them all day long?
.-= Jeni´s last blog ..Top Ten Tuesday- Our Preschool =-.
Oh, don’t be punch with your paragraphs – tell us everything!
He looks JUST LIKE ARCHIE in the photos – Simply a perfect beautiful baby!
Congratulations and blessings to your entire family….
.-= Jill´s last blog ..Second-Sixth =-.
Oh! He is just gorgeous! So glad you are both home.
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..When She Jumps =-.
I know everyone is saying it, but a mother never gets tired of hearing it, he is so beautiful. I know he is loved by plently of siblings, family, and all of us who watch from out here…
He is beautiful. Congratulations to all of you. I love his full head of hair.
How totally precious!
.-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Do You Have the Son =-.
What a gorgeous baby! You can almost smell that “new baby” smell and feel those soft, satiny cheeks. Enjoy your new precious baby!
Delurking to tell you congratulations, your baby is absolutely precious.
The cheeks! I must nibble!
.-= Kelly @ Love Well´s last blog ..Focus =-.
Oh goodness gracious – he’s so lovely. Beautiful. Congratulations to you all.
.-= beth – total mom haircut´s last blog ..From Dirt To Dinner – Tomato Love =-.
So even though I have my own cuddly four month old to love on, I just want to reach through the screen and squeeze your little guy. So adorably squishy and cute.
.-= nicole´s last blog ..In Full Communion =-.
So sweet! He’s beautiful. THis makes me miss Judah at this stage. Sniff. Seeing little babies makes me realize how big my little one is getting. I love the hair!!
.-= Aubrey´s last blog ..Nursery =-.
He’s perfection. My oldest brother’s name is Theodore. We call him Ted, but I love Theo as a nickname.
.-= sonja´s last blog ..Ring in the Tub =-.
Oh.my.goodness! So adorable! And look at those chubby cheeks already!
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..Feathery Flower =-.
ADORE-able, indeed. Perfection, actually. Congrats!
.-= Emily´s last blog ..My prayer for my children =-.
Beautiful! Can’t wait to hear the story.
Looks like you’ve created yet another beautiful Lifenut baby! Looking forward to the birth story. Glad you guys are home!!
He is gorgeous! And plump and sweet! And he already looks like your other kids!
Seriously, I can believe how yummy and plump he is… must have been all those extra weeks in utero, which you worked so very hard at! Congratulations!!!
The perfect-ness in the title of this post is almost too wonderful. Almost.
He’s beautiful. Congratulations. 🙂