
Ancient History

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The Tale of the Woman and The Fruit Wolf

The woods were thick and twisted. Gnarled leafless trees huddled against the onslaught of the first winter blast of arctic cold. Snow fell softly at first and found the landing rough after a dusty, wrinkled autumn. The forest floor, covered in rocks, dead trees, grey-yellow aspen leaves pulled the white up over its elbows and […]

Three Days in the Life of a Person Who Writes in her Head

ticket to ride

A week ago, I signed up at Conversion Diary to blog for seven days straight. I thought this was doable. I thought this would get me back into a blogging and writing groove. When Thursday arrived and it was time for me to write that day’s post, I decided to take my middle child, Joel, […]

Excess, Sacrifice, Darkness, Madness, Marriage

In the past week, I’ve seen three films. This is highly unusual. Usually, I see three in a year, so I guess I’ve hit my quota in one glorious swoop, fueled by popcorn gas.

Ironman 3 The Great Gatsby (3D is a must in this case) Star Trek Into Darkness

I recommend all of […]