
Ancient History

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What they didn’t learn

The 2013-14 school year is officially over without a single tear shed by anyone. I used to cry on the last day of school, but didn’t this year. The closest I came was the night before Sam’s last day of 8th grade, when I was suddenly seized by a vision of him on his second […]

Candies for Babies

Tommy stayed home from school today. He has some sort of odd rash, most likely brought on by unfortunate timing. I ran out of our usual sensitive skin dryer sheets and switched to an old box from the back of the shelf. This time of year, we have to use dryer sheets because the dry […]

Saturday Siblings ~ Whovians

doctor who yarn bomb arvada

I’ve only seen two episodes of Doctor Who: “Blink”—which scared the wee out of me. The second was the one with the baby who fancied himself some kind malevolent ruler of the universe. I watched because I was pregnant with Ollie and we needed a baby name. I crossed Stormeggedon, Dark Lord of All off […]