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Please, sweat the small stuff

Yesterday was a busy writing day. That means I didn’t read very much. Maybe that’s why I’m dwelling on one of the few blog posts I read? It was one of those typical posts an Experienced Mom writes to a New Mom where Experienced Mom tells New Mom to not sweat the small stuff, like […]

The care and feeding of teenaged boys

Sam was miserably sick last week. From head to toe, he looked like a battlefield. Bedraggled hair zagged over his fever-pulsing head. His cheeks were bright red, his eyes watered, his nose wept. Tonsils threatened to explode, muscles from his shoulders to his ankles howled. He coughed, sneezed, and complained of angry stomach pains and […]


Ryley is leaving on a school trip today. He will be several states away doing something he loves. I’m happy for him.

Yesterday afternoon, I pulled out a rolling suitcase so I could help pack. I thought about leaving it to him, but changed my mind. I’m glad I did because when I asked […]