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Bless Two

On November 2, 2005, I wrote the following in a post called Blow out the candle. Joel, our fifth child, had just turned two. By the time my older kids were two, they each had a younger sibling. Joel did not because of two devastating pregnancy losses. I was clinically infertile. Yes, even a mom […]

Revisiting that Rather

By now, we’d have a newborn. But we don’t.

This is what I wrote on February 29, 2008–Four years ago, today. The summer before, I lost a baby that had been due in February 2008. When I wrote the post, I focused on what the day actually looked like, rather than what the day […]

Toddler or Puppy: A Quiz

How do you know if you are caring for a toddler or a puppy? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell. Hopefully, this quiz will clarify when you find yourself in a variety of confusing situations.

1. “Don’t chew on that!” What is being chewed?

a. Paper towel tube b. Desk knob c. The hem […]