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Saturday Siblings ~ Broken Bones Edition

One of my goals with Saturday Siblings is to demonstrate to the kids what they have in common with each other, even when they don’t realize it. A 10th grade girl and 3rd grade boy may not feel like they have much to discuss, but when they find something in common, even something weird in […]

Saturday Siblings ~ All of Them

There they are! All nine, except you can only see eight. Ollie was sleeping in his car seat, which will represent him in this photo. This past week was interesting. 5 of the kids had strep. I took a little break from writing/blogging.

Saturday Siblings ~ The Middle (school) Men

Ryley and Sam are 17 months apart. Ryley is in 8th grade, Sam is in 7th. They have a lot of the same classes at their middle school. If your brother was in your science class, wouldn’t you study with him? These guys don’t. They don’t agree on a lot, but someday they might. Middle […]