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Little blasts of a deep connection

Ollie had another strange breathing/croupy/wheezing attack, so I called the pediatrician the moment they opened yesterday and made an appointment. Ryley asked if he could come. His motives were ulterior (he had money and suspected I’d end up at a store) but I was glad to have him join us.

It’s odd being out […]

Exhausted in the Right Arms

Ollie has fully recovered from a startling, sudden, severe case of croup. It was his first. I’ve dealt with croup many times, but this was a whole new level of croup. Like a Croup Vortex. I took him to the doctor after a very long night and it was rough. I had never seen him […]

Humble Pie: It Tastes Like Burning

Voodoo Doughnuts is one of the most famous doughnut peddlers in the world. They recently opened their first shop outside the Portland, Oregon area in the heart of downtown Denver. The line to buy doughnuts stretched down streets and around corners for weeks. We decided to let the fascination mellow, so we waited. One early […]