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A slow six

Ollie is six months old. The past half-year arced from birth to now with a leisure I’ve never experienced. Time moved slowly, plodding up and down the rows of weeks, back and forth, until we found ourselves on the other side of the sun. Instead of a looming winter, we see summer on the horizon. […]

Saturday Siblings ~ The Odd Children

1, 3, 5, 7, 9 = Odd.

Here are The Odds. Sometimes, when we want to split up into two groups for errands, games, or going to the movies in shifts, we form teams of Odds and Evens, Birth Order Edition. Our Odds are Aidan (1), Sam (3), Joel (5), Archie (7), and Ollie […]

My Nine Little Valentines

We’ve had a pair of giant novelty red velvet heart-shaped blue-lensed sunglasses for several years. They’re beat up. The lenses are scratched, velvet has been eroded away, but they, like all hearts, must go on…

I busted them out for a pre-Valentine’s Day photoshoot with the kids. All put their own spin on the […]