
Ancient History

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It’s 10-4, Good Buddy

People seem to marvel how quickly a baby’s first year flies by, but honestly, it went by rather slowly for me. When Ollie was six months old, I wrote about the turtle-like pace of his first half-year. The second half was more of the same stroll, but with added mobility, smarty-pants discoveries, saying words on […]

Breaking is Bad ~ Ollie’s Arm Story

baby with broken arm

I went from crying to laughing in less than five minutes.

Ollie and I had to stop by the store to pick up a few additions to our spaghetti dinner. We spent all day concentrating on his right arm. It broke on Monday night, but we didn’t know until Tuesday morning. That afternoon, I […]

My last baby’s first tooth is my last first tooth

Ollie’s first tooth popped through his gums this morning. He’s only 11.5 months old. What’s the rush?

Someone asked me if his milestones are especially poignant, knowing he’s our last baby. Yes.

Yes, his milestones have inspired more quiet reflection than with the other kids. It doesn’t mean I wasn’t excited or proud […]