
Ancient History

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“It is only possible to live happily-ever-after on a day-to-day basis.” ~Margaret Bonnano

On or around January 1, 2015, Beatrix asked if she could do the annual Lifenut New Year poster for 2016. I said of course she could. She did. Presenting a piece of art that exemplifies the happy hopes we hold for the coming year:

by Beatrix, age 9

Beatrix said, as she […]

New Year’s Eve with Nine (Kids)

Beware the four-way clink. It will get you.

As we began to serve our special New Year’s Eve dinner last night, one of the kids proposed a “four-way clink.” This is fancy talk for “Let the four of us seated raise our vintage soda bottles, join them in the middle of the table, and […]

“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.” ~ Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland

For the first time, Sam made our New Year’s poster. Tommy decided he was going to pass on the no-bid contract I offered him. I like what Sam did. He made it his own, comic-style, with events he’s looking forward to in 2014. Welcome, new year.

Be good.


As per tradition, […]