
Ancient History

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The Amazing Repository of Ridiculous Advice

The first time one of our kids left home for a few days without us, I was a bit of a wreck. I worried about the travel. Would roads be icy and would the other drivers be idiots? It didn’t matter that it was summer and she flew. Worries and irrationality are great dancers when […]

Kisses on the Clock

“Kiss finger?”

I kiss Ollie’s finger. He pinched it in a cabinet door.

“Kiss foot?”

He stepped on a Matchbox car.

“Kiss head?”

He bonked it on the corner of an open kitchen drawer.

“Kiss butt?”

I opt to kiss my palm and give him a soft little […]

What’s Round, Orange, Real, American, and Grows on a Tree? You’re wrong.

Teddy, opening the refrigerator: Hey, we got any of those peaches?

Me: We don’t have peaches.

Teddy: Sure we do! Those orange balls. Peaches!

Me: We don’t have peaches. We have oranges, though. Is that what you’re thinking of?

Teddy: Oh, yeah!

I pointed to the kitchen table. A bag of clementines […]