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What it’s like to have big, medium, and small kids all at the same time

It’s like sailing a ship through rough seas with sock puppets on your feet and your hands tied behind your back.

It’s having a deep, interesting conversation while you try to remove a crayon someone stuck in a rubber duck.

It’s changing a diaper while someone yells to be wiped while another adds maxi-pads […]

Please, sweat the small stuff

Yesterday was a busy writing day. That means I didn’t read very much. Maybe that’s why I’m dwelling on one of the few blog posts I read? It was one of those typical posts an Experienced Mom writes to a New Mom where Experienced Mom tells New Mom to not sweat the small stuff, like […]

Standing outside in the middle of a winter night with a croupy child

Night One

A person with a stethoscope draped around her neck says the bizarre cough tormenting your child is croup. You never forget the sound, even though that conversation happened about 15 years ago. Once you’ve heard croup, you know croup. It knows you, too, because it shows up on your doorstep every winter and […]