
Ancient History

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My Nine Little Valentines

We’ve had a pair of giant novelty red velvet heart-shaped blue-lensed sunglasses for several years. They’re beat up. The lenses are scratched, velvet has been eroded away, but they, like all hearts, must go on…

I busted them out for a pre-Valentine’s Day photoshoot with the kids. All put their own spin on the […]

Saturday Siblings ~ The Girls

When people express they feel sorry for our daughters for being so outnumbered, I laugh. I may have seven sons, but our two girls are like seven girls. Aidan and Beatrix are nine years apart. This is perfect. They are interested in different things, wear very different sizes, and have their own rooms. Sisters who […]

Combination, locked

Aidan texted me from school with news her PE class required a uniform and a combination lock. She finally got around to taking PE in high school, amusingly choosing aerobics. I had to explain aerobics when she was perusing her choices because Olivia Newton John and headbands and those high-thighed unitard things were a bit […]