The boys didn’t have school yesterday, which meant they were home for lunch.
I made a box of mac & cheese.
Sam was unhappy because I only made one box. He was afraid that one box of mac & cheese split amongst five children (Aidan had school) was not enough.
I pointed out that only he, Ryley, and Beatrix liked mac & cheese. There would be plenty, plus chips.
“Well, that’s 17 percent of us!” he moaned.
“Really? How do you figure?” I asked.
“Ryley is nine, I am seven and Bea is ONE! 9+7+1 = 17!” he explained, completely exasperated.
I thought about his computation. If his math is correct, and I’m not saying it is, our family is at 110%.
My only question is how Beatrix, representing only 1.65%, can cause 50% of my daily work?
Something is not adding up.
That’s so funny! I like his math skills. =)
This had me rolling on the floor, hilarious! Sounds like my husbands math. One of my kids will ask something like, “Dad, when will you be done watching golf.” His answer, “In 2.7 units.” Distance, time, space, he measure in his own units. And he does have a math brain, lol.
Love that logic…almost sounds reasonable, until you factor in the baby!
I’ve always struggled with figuring percentages, I had no clue that was how it was done. Now I know, thanks.
hee hee! Brilliant!! And yes to little one ratio. Does. Not. Compute.
Megan@SortaCrunchy’s last blog post..I Ain’t Freaking*
Well if *I* were making the mac & cheese, 45% of it wouldn’t even make it to the kids! (I love the stuff!)
Stacey @ Happy Are We’s last blog post..I Knew He’d Notice Them Sooner or Later
That is so adorable!
Ann’s last blog post..Emily’s Mark
MMM…mac & cheese. I make a very special mac & cheese about once, maybe twice, per year. Other than that we never eat it. I know the post wasn’t even about the food itself so much as Sam’s hilarious math abilities, but I am craving me some Kraft.
I got the blues…the blue box blues…
Heidi’s last blog post..A Good Mom
Clearly, he and I attended the same math class.
Love it! I’m guessing he is still with you, and didn’t perish for want of enough mac & cheese, even though the numbers were against him.
Jamie’s last blog post..I should be making cookies.
Cute observation. Happy Mother’s Day.
noble pig’s last blog post..My Heart…On the Outside
Just stopping by to say have a blessed Mother’s Day.
Heather Young’s last blog post..My Mother’s Day Gift to You
Happy Mother’s Day!
I hope this is a wonderful day of celebration for you!
AHHH! Flashbacks to “story problems.”
Happy Mother’s Day! May the happiness in your heart overflow its math boundaries, too.
Kelly @ Love Well’s last blog post..What Women Want
Our family is only 62%… I need to go make some Mac and Cheese, it’s a nasty rainy day and I love the stuff! And I could eat 50% all by myself…
Happy Mommy’s last blog post..A confession
OH MY GOSH, I love the name Beatrix.
The only one of my kids who loves macaroni and cheese is the Baby, and sadly, she can’t have it.
Rebecca’s last blog post..Oh, Wah Wah Wah
Ha! The mathematics of parenting never adds up! But there is something magical in the illogical, no?
Now that’s funny! ROFL!
That is adorable!!! Love the way he worked it out. Totally out of the box thinking