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The boys didn’t have school yesterday, which meant they were home for lunch.

I made a box of mac & cheese.

Sam was unhappy because I only made one box. He was afraid that one box of mac & cheese split amongst five children (Aidan had school) was not enough.

I pointed out that only he, Ryley, and Beatrix liked mac & cheese. There would be plenty, plus chips.

“Well, that’s 17 percent of us!” he moaned.

“Really? How do you figure?” I asked.

“Ryley is nine, I am seven and Bea is ONE! 9+7+1 = 17!” he explained, completely exasperated.

I thought about his computation. If his math is correct, and I’m not saying it is, our family is at 110%.

My only question is how Beatrix, representing only 1.65%, can cause 50% of my daily work?

Something is not adding up.

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