Our neighborhood fire station had an open house yesterday. We went, of course. It’s not like us to pass up an opportunity to ride in a vintage fire truck while devouring free hot dogs and Pepsi. The fire truck doors were wide open for up-close inspections of the steering wheels and gauges. A 75-foot ladder was extended to the sky.
“No climbing,” said the fire fighters in their dark blue uniforms.
There was something for everyone.
What fun! And…I’m just gonna say it (cause I know everyone’s gonna think it) pretty cute fireman too
Sarah’s last blog post..Six Thingys
amen on the cute fireman, went back to check him out a second time!
marit’s last blog post..Engagement
What a fun day! Great photos,the stop one is hilarious.
Joanne’s last blog post..Reach Out To Touch Someone
Oh, I love the picture of Aidan. What a little lady she is!
Heth’s last blog post..New Favorite Ceeyo
So fun, my boys never miss a chance to jump on those trucks…a child’s dream I guess.
noble pig’s last blog post..I’m an Aggie Fan-atic
Okay, I was going to ask for a few more pictures of that fireman…
You inspire me to take pictures.
nutmeg’s last blog post..Hands
Um….I think I’ll move to your city just to watch that guy put out a fire.
Is that a fireman helping your children or an Abercrombie and Fitch photo shoot?
Rach’s last blog post..risk
Oh my! I was really surprised to open this up and see THAT particular fireman! He happened to be at a LODO “establishment” where we were on Friday night! I swear that’s the same guy!
Too funny!
Looks like fun!
Whoa! Look at that fireman! All of the firemen in my town are old and fat…
My kids are SO SCARED of the firestation! My kids are WEINERS!
Rebecca’s last blog post..Hellooooo there!
LOL at all the other comments, because my first thought was, “Dang, that fireman is HOT!” Pun intended.
Love the “Stop” photo and the one of Aidan. My she’s gotten tall!
No way! Our local fire dept had an open house too – they were celebrating the purchase of a new pumper truck. I’ve come to the conclusion that firefighters know how to throw shindigs for the kids.
Clayjack’s last blog post..The Dark and The Light
I feel like I was there–love how creative they were letting the kids have some real connections with the equipment and make it fun.
That way, were the kids in an emergency, they will think, “Oh, there’s a firefighter–I remember that firefighters are fun and happy people who will help me!” Instead of running and hidding, maybe they’ll instinctively go to them.
I know I would instinctively go straight to them if they all looked as fun and happy as the firefighter you captured. I love his big smile. He’s having fun.
Ann Kroeker’s last blog post..Indiana Voters-in-Training
Our homeschooling group went to the firehouse last year, so much fun!
Happy Mommy’s last blog post..Look I’m Pop Art
Come to our firehouse and we’ll let you climb! My husband is chief and my 13 yo son is Jr. Chief.
I keep forgetting that fireman are known as hunks. I just get mad at them for practically living up there. Luckily the dept. is only a couple of blocks away.
Ooohhh why is it that firemen are always attractive? Love the photos. My boys would love something like that