Aidan waited 9 years for a baby sister.
It doesn’t matter to me if I have a boy or a girl. I have 2 daughters and 5 sons.
We don’t need to even up the teams because we are on the same team.
If Beatrix is destined to have a baby sister, I simply hope she won’t have to wait for 9 years. Now would be fine. And that baby sister? She doesn’t really need a baby sister. Or brother. She can have a goldfish or miniature goat.
I am feeling my age. I am closer to menopause than menolettheordealbegin.
There are some advantages to being an old, pregnant mom. When I’m out with Beatrix and Archie, nobody wonders if I am their grandmother.
So what does that mean for you? Prevention of some sort once this baby is born? We’re not ready to make the decision yet, but I am always interested in what method those who I respect choose when they decide their family is complete.
Also, you’re not that old.
OH, I do hope you’ll share some bump photos with us soon?
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..Nest Feathering: the winners =-.
Oh I hear what you are saying… #8 is a delight but pregnancy #8 is less delightful!!! And the thought of being pregnant nine years from now must seem a little overwhelming!!! Hang in there it isn’t forever!!! Not to mention that your kids are so cute whatever you have will be a delight. I can’t wait to meet whoever it is!!!
Sarah had a baby at 90 or was it 100? Just sayin.
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..Embarrassed, Ashamed and In Need of a Good Cry =-.
yes..would love to see pregnancy photos! I love them and they make me want to be pregnant! I’ll be 42 in a few weeks and would love to push for one more..we have 4 now. What do you think??? Am I too old???
Somebody please tell me I’m not too old! I’m not ready to let go of my fertility!
.-= Pamela ´s last blog ..Oscars Shmoscars =-.
They are so cute! LOVE the outfits–that hat!
.-= edj´s last blog ..Street Olympics =-.
I’m with Steph – BUMP PICTURES! I have to get my pregnant belly fix somewhere…=)
Also, I would have gladly traded in a sister for a miniature goat when I was little. Not so much anymore, but you know, just sayin’…
Great post, Gretchen! (And for what it’s worth, Sarah @ BecomingSarah stole my line.) LOL!
.-= The Casual Perfectionist´s last blog ..Re-entry into the real world is rough =-.
Such sweet photos.
.-= Heth´s last blog ..A Book I’m Reading. Or, A Book That’s Reading Me =-.
Would it be terribly shallow for me to say how much I ADORE their outfits in these shots? Is that a Hanna I spy on Pretty Miss B?
Sisters, brothers . . . all the same team, to be sure. Beautiful perspective.
.-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..Building with Packing Peanuts =-.
Gretchen – it thrills me to see the Aidan still dresses so beautifully… my 10 year old is in a jeans only phase. I miss dresses…
Whoever that is that you are carrying around in that belly of yours will be loved… X or Y… B will love being the last little girl if it is so… and will love having a little sister if that is so…
You are so blessed…
.-= Jill´s last blog ..It’s a Friday night… =-.
Hey, who are you calling old? I think you’re only a year older than I, and I KNOW I’m not old, LOL!
“We don’t need to even up the teams because we are on the same team.” Love that line!
Pamela, GO FOR IT!
Gretchen, if you’re old then I’m a disintegrating corpse.
I’m seconding (thirding? fourthing?) the request for pg belly pics.
.-= jenni´s last blog ..This Blog Will Be Vacant Until Further Notice =-.
so much sweetness! your pictures made my day!
That seems like big news.
I just read your grandma story. I am 26 and pregnant with baby #3. The other day in Target someone asked me if my three year old was my little brother. Did she think I was his very involved sister who takes him to Target and actively tells him to “put the yoyo down now, we are not getting that yoyo buddy, you need to stay by mommy”, his sister who is pregnant with his niece/nephew? I suppose all of that.