There is a guy here in my office who legally changed his name to Jerry! With the exclamation point. You’d think if he were going to the trouble of legally changing his name he would at least change it to something like Zacharia! Or Romeo! Something sexier with and exclamation point. But no. He just wanted to be Jerry and as he said “he wanted people to say it like they mean it.” Jerry!
I think he’s excited by life! and grammar! plus, it’s not just a name, it’s an exclamation of character!
skiplovey’s last blog post..Some things you just can’t plan
too cute, but at least he feels good about himself!
Misty’s last blog post..These are a few…
It might possibly be that he has been sneaking! peeks! at! my! blog!
Megan@SortaCrunchy’s last blog post..Seven Rooms, Seven Days – The Girls’ Rooms
Better buy him the Jr. version of “Eats, Shoots & Leaves”!
Heidi’s last blog post..Bad Poetry Monday – 2
I like his style. I have got to learn to quit using them, but my fingers get excited when I’m at the computer.
More than likely evidence that he will someday have a blog.
Antique Mommy’s last blog post..The Brown Shoes
There is a guy here in my office who legally changed his name to Jerry! With the exclamation point. You’d think if he were going to the trouble of legally changing his name he would at least change it to something like Zacharia! Or Romeo! Something sexier with and exclamation point. But no. He just wanted to be Jerry and as he said “he wanted people to say it like they mean it.” Jerry!
susannah’s last blog post..Happy Birthday
My kdg-age DS does this, too, but he adds quotation marks after the exclamation point.
Love it. But I hope it doesn’t otherwise become a punctuation junkie.