Archie is our latest little one to be mowed over by H1N1.
He was diagnosed today after a day and a half of fever and clinginess. I had the feeling, but needed confirmation. Babies shouldn’t have unexplained fevers, especially because they can’t tell you where it hurts.
I think he hurts everywhere.
Tommy and Joel are still home. I underestimated this flu by a long shot. Joel still has a fever (day 6). While Tommy’s temperature has dropped to the 99 degree range, he is coughing constantly and has fatigue. Next week is their school’s fall break, so we will use it to fully recover. I hope.
*Sleeze: Verb meaning to sneeze into your sleeve.
Poor guy. I agree – these pre-verbal kiddos shouldn’t be allowed to have the aches and pains.
Sending you all chicken noodle soup wishes, 7up dreams and saltine thoughts.
.-= Anonymouse´s last blog =-.
Oh, Gretchen. I’m so sorry! We have been doing everything we can to avoid catching any flu bugs this fall, and I’ve heard from others the fever with H1N1 is particularly long-lasting. Here’s to a speedy recovery for Archie and hopes that no one else gets it!
.-= Minnesotamom´s last blog ..Something Trippy =-.
Good grief! Is there anything YOU need? I’d be happy to bring you dinner if you’re up for a drive by this week? <3
.-= Jenn´s last blog ..Early Bird =-.
Your poor family! I’m so sorry to hear about the boys. I hope they are able to recover fully next week.
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..Tell Me Something I Didn’t Know =-.
I’m really sorry, Gretchen – this flu sucks ass. I’m pretty sure I have it, too – I want someone to take care of ME while I’m taking care of 5 kids!! Is Archie big enough for Tamiflu?
.-= Laura aka LaLaGirl´s last blog ..Meh. =-.
Oh the poor baby, oh the poor mama. Wishing you all the best health as soon as can be.
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Se7en Survive A Newborn… =-.
Geez Louise. That’s a long time to fight the fever! Poor Joel. It’s gotta be a little weird to have your energetic kiddos all laid up and lethargic. I hope it doesn’t hit Archie as hard, little buddy.
.-= Heth´s last blog ..Isn’t This Some Kind of Game Show? =-.
I’m so sorry. My kids and I will be praying for your family.
.-= Miranda´s last blog ..New Orleans, Here We, Ummm… Came? =-.
Oh sending much love and get betterness your way.
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..A Fall Day =-.
Oh Archie! I am so sorry for you all!!!!!
Drat, Gretchen. I’m so so so so so so sorry your family is having to go through this. Trust next week will provide the recovery time you all desperately need.
.-= Megan´s last blog ..Go Ahead, Laugh With Me =-.
Oh, Archie. Sweet thing.
Hang in there Gretchen!
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..Saying Goodbye =-.
This makes me thankful for the two sore arms I have today – one from the seasonal flu vaccine I got on Tuesday. The other for the H1N1 vaccine I just got today. Hope your family gets better!