According to Yahoo, “Pork and Sauerkraut” is the #3 most searched item this morning.
I’m wondering what cultural or culinary zeitgeist is sweeping over the nation right now.
Updated: Tracy has kindly informed me that pork and sauerkraut are lucky New Year’s foods—at least to the Pennsylvania Dutch. I did not know this. Must be another one of those regional things.
Its a Pennsylvania Dutch tradition to eat on New Year’s for good luck.
Pennsylvania, period. Or at least Western PA. We have a huge Polish/ German demographic and EVERYONE has Pork or Kielbasa and souerkraut.
heather’s last blog post..On Being Frugal and Eating Out
i didn’t know this either… but before your update, I was thinking “what is wrong with people???” now we know.
misty’s last blog post..I resolve to…
Yep, it’s a PA thing. I’m originally from a bit south, so we eat pork (for health), greens (for cash) and blackeyed peas (for coins) every New Year’s day.
But up here in Eastern PA, people eat pork, cabbage or sauerkraut and mashed potatoes, for much the same reasons. Pork (health), cabbage (money), potatoes (plenty.)
Goslyn’s last blog post..Tale of the Ducks