We contacted Go Daddy, who hosts all this Lifenutty stuff you sometimes see and read. They claim they have nothing to do with it…but about 5 minutes after our talk with them, suddenly things seem to be speedier? Hmmmm.
Also, I changed how many posts display on the front page. Since I am so photo-happy, this might speed loading. Regarding comments, I have no idea why there would be errors. I will look into that. Sigh. Please keep comments and emails coming.
I am having serious issues with my site loading quickly. Also, more than one person has told me they are having trouble leaving comments.
Could you do me a huge favor and let me know if you are experiencing trouble with viewing or commenting here? Either leave a comment, if you can, or email me directly at mopsy dot lifenut at gmail dot com.
Definately slow loading!
I agree it has been slow loading for a while now, weeks at least. I haven’t had trouble with comments so far.
.-= Charlotte´s last blog ..Thanksgiving =-.
Yes, slow loading, although this time it loaded right up. And I just tried to leave a comment and it errored. This is my second try.
.-= Dorci´s last blog ..We Are His Artistry =-.
I haven’t had trouble with commenting, but I couldn’t get it to load one time last week, and it’s been a bit slow for me this week.
Internet troubles are annoying
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..December Views {3} =-.
Hey, it keeps you off the streets, right?
.-= Dorci´s last blog ..We Are His Artistry =-.
Loaded quick as a whip tonight at 9:15 in Ohio…
.-= Jill´s last blog ..early gift =-.
No problem loading and seriously no problem commenting !!! All the way from Cape Town we assume things to be a little sluggish and wouldn’t notice the difference!!!
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Se7en Do Christmas: Step 5 – Gift Wrapping… =-.
I experienced a couple of blips, but otherwise, no. Things have loaded fine for me.
.-= joanne´s last blog ..Record Breaking =-.
I’ve had slow loading and trouble commenting (as I said yesterday)…we’ll see if this gets through.
.-= Minnesotamom´s last blog ..Baby on the Way =-.
Much faster! And it even worked in Opera (my browser).
.-= Minnesotamom´s last blog ..Baby on the Way =-.
I haven’t had any probs. Oh wait–yes I did, the other day. I was leaving a comment and got an error msg. I always assume the prob is my end as it usually is. (Morocco has fine internet, most of the time) But I didn’t have time to try again.
.-= edj´s last blog ..The Unbearable Smugness of Jogging =-.
Just wanted to comment that I can comment.
.-= Angie´s last blog ..Angie’s Random Thoughts… =-.
Slow loading but not today..no problems with comments.
.-= Sarah@Clover Lane´s last blog ..Don’t Mess With A Kid Who Has a Big Brother =-.
It is slow to load, but definitely worth the wait!