Thank you to everyone for your warms wishes and congratulations. Thank you for prayers and for sharing in our happiness. I truly appreciate each comment and email.
It isn’t easy telling people that baby #8 is bobbing around inside me. I worry about negative reactions. I also worry I will have to “un-tell” if I lose the baby. Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you will have a baby. Learned that lesson X 4. It’s pretty ingrained and it’s a pretty awful truth.
If you’ve read my blog through my pregnancies with Beatrix and Archie, you know they were white-knuckle rides and I rarely said “Wheeeee!” I will not be comfortable until the baby is here, blinking, mewling, stretching, hungry, living. That doesn’t mean I don’t find joy or let myself be carried away by dreams of the future. I do, easily. I already am. I think of names and bedroom assignments.
We told the kids. They are excited. They naming and placing the baby, too.
Love comes quickly. One moment, you are thinking about making lunch or the homework in the backpack you don’t want to do and the next you learn a new brother or sister is coming and it’s the best! It’s worth jumping up and down over. It’s someone to name right away and find room for without hesitation.
Love comes quickly, as Joel demonstrated when he hugged me. His head rested on my poochy belly and he said:
Thank you.
So sweet. You should definitely keep that one.
.-= Anonymouse´s last blog ..people who bug me: adoption edition =-.
Good luck, Gretchen!! I know what it’s like to experience the ups and downs. Every “milestone” you surpass is another step closer to snugglin’ that babe on your chest. What an exciting journey you all have ahead of you!
.-= The Casual Perfectionist´s last blog ..Yes, I’ve hidden the “good pair†of scissors. No, you may not use them to open whatever that is. =-.
Congratulations (I don’t think I’ve said it yet). And you’re so right–love comes quickly. And may those blinking, mewling, stretching, living days come quickly too.
.-= Jo@Mylestones´s last blog ..Paralyzed by Possibility =-.
Tears! Tears. So many tears. Beautiful. Your children are so lovely and loved and gracious and miraculous. Why on EARTH would you not want more?!
Blessings on you, friend Gretchen. I’ll be praying for you and wee one as often as the Lord brings you to mind.
.-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesdsay: Hope (on my kitchen window) =-.
I just realized, just now when my comment published, that I have spelled Wednesday wrong on my most recent blog post. You would think SOMEONE could have told me.
(I mean, not YOU per se, you have other things on the mind. Just . . . you know . . . SOMEONE.)
.-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesdsay: Hope (on my kitchen window) =-.
Happy for you!!!
Mary, mom to 10
.-= owlhaven´s last blog ..Tim Tebow and the Super Bowl ad =-.
Congratulations, Gretchen! I saw this post before the one prior, and couldn’t click on it quickly enough in my blog reader. What wonderful news! Congratulations to you on being a vessel for God’s miraculous work once again. Each as precious as the last.
Many wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy.
.-= Jessica´s last blog ..4:50 =-.
Gretchen! Somehow I missed your announcement post so this one was your announcement for me. CONGRATULATIONS!! You really ARE super mom. So happy for you!
.-= Megan´s last blog ..Cute Travel Tissue Holders =-.
I have so much joy for you!!!! I can’t wait to see all the sweet, wonderful things God will continue to do. Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful ultrasound picture.
What will the bedroom assignments be? Is Beatrix in with Aiden? Where is Archie headed?
Ah Joel, what a wonderful young man.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Joy Comes In The Morning =-.
Congradulations! It’s wonderful that you’ll be bringing another beauty into this world. //I love your blog, it’s inspirational (now reading 2005 entries).
Awww congratulations on your bump! =0) What an exciting anticipation a little one is.
Yeah!! 8 is great! You will be in my prayers. I know the white knuckled ride, too. I don’t know many with 8 who don’t. God bless you and your family
.-= Kandyce´s last blog ..February’s Theme – Peace and Solitude =-.
Really mothering is not the easy way out that folks think it is… Strength to you and lots of prayer for your little one. Lots of love!!!
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Pass The Jam in Se7en Steps… =-.
Joel just melted my heart a little….
.-= Jill´s last blog favorite photo from D’s birthday… =-.
My SiL recently had #12 and I was a wee bit appalled to learn that I was the ONLY one that sent a ‘happy baby!’ card. Every child is a blessing! Congratulations!
I’ll say to you as my chiropractor says to me, “YOU are the type of people who should be having more children.”
But I get the feeling you already know that.
.-= Minnesotamom´s last blog ..Ways to Keep A Healthy Level of Sanity =-.
Congratulations! What wonderful news!!
Oh Sweet Joel.
.-= Heth´s last blog ..Peace Like a River =-.
Gretchen, congrats on the new baby! How exciting! I hope everything goes smoothly and that you’ll feel better soon too.
Joel’s comment just makes me cry. We’ve learned the hard lesson 8 times, four of them just last year (one. after. the. other.) and I don’t know if I’ll ever have another chance. Not that I’m not happy with the 12 that we have but…hell, you know what I mean. I’m just so happy for you, and pray that the feet are stampeding around your house with the other 14 in a year or so!
.-= jenni´s last blog ..Kitchen Sink Saturday =-.
What a lovely comment from your son – just beautifully sweet. I’ll be praying both for this baby and for peace of mind for you.
I’m so excited for your precious family.
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..This is it. =-.
Congratulations to you, Gretchen, and to your family as well. I’m so happy for you all. what a sweet image that is of Joel and your precious baby belly.
.-= Beth – Total Mom Haircut´s last blog ..Stacks and Piles =-.
Congrats… I must admit this Mommy of 6 is slightly jealous!
I’d love to have baby #8… Lucky lady.. good luck
The first time I read this, I couldn’t comment. I wanted to, but I just got all choked up every time I thought about “un-telling” or things that could go wrong in any pregnancy or or or or or.
But now I’ve come back because I wanted to let you know that in the days that have passed since I read it, the only thing that has stuck in my head is that you are so right: love does come quickly. It is fast, swift, powerful, and unyielding. And then I thought that I hoped you knew that over here, we’re rooting for Baby No. Eight. We’re cheering your family on every single second, wishing and praying and thinking warm fuzzies, because, well, love came quickly to us too.
.-= Sarah @´s last blog ..What spare rooms are made for. =-.