1. Ryley is in fifth grade, and that means the Big Birds and Bees talk takes place at school. It was yesterday.
When I went through the class in fifth grade, so many, many years ago, I was mortified that the boys would be told what happens to girls once a month. There was absolutely no reason for them to have this information, I felt. What good could come of it? Anyway, Ryley already knows where babies come from, but he doesn’t really know a whole lot about the female cycle. We gave him a heads-up about what he’d hear. I mentioned he’d learn about hormones and other interesting things.
He said, “Yeah, yeah. What I really want to know is why girls always need chocolate.”
2. A study from the Netherlands contends: …mentally unstimulating work, including doing jobs around the house day-in day-out, increased the chances of giving birth at least three weeks early by up to 25 per cent. Yes, housework is bad for pregnant women.
3. I hate brown avocados, so I am reluctant to buy them unless I know they will be completely used at one sitting. That means eating the whole bowl of guacamole, right? One of the common tips floating around is to leave the avocado pit in the guacamole to prevent browning, but it doesn’t always work. I came across this idea and thought it would be worth a shot, but the downside is the added oily residue. Have you tried it? Does it effect the taste?
4. I am totally doing bento lunches for school next year, although I worry my older kids will think it’s not enough food. My older boys might think it’s a little prissy, no? A Mile High Mamas pal wrote a post explaining the beauties of the bento. My kids pack their own lunches every night before they go to bed. Bento-ing it would mean ditching sandwich baggies and forcing them to be a little more creative with their choices. Do you bento? Let’s pretend bento is a verb.
5. Here’s a great, manageable list of children’s books, either retro or retro-inspired. There are some intriguing titles that are recent reprints. Love the illustrations, too! Old timey stuff charms me. One reason I like to shop for books at thrift stores is that I discover really old children’s books that would never be published today—like the Eloise Wilkins’ illustrated We Help Daddy. The Daddy smokes like Eyjafjallajökull while the little boy collects rusty nails in a bucket.
6. Joy the Baker’s Root Beer Float cake. It’s on my grand list o’ cakes to make.
I do love your lists! I want to bento, too. I think it could work with my boys, potentially. And just today I was making our summer reading list. Exciting!
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..GO ‘HAWKS =-.
He said, “Yeah, yeah. What I really want to know is why girls always need chocolate.†LOL at this quote! Love it!
I’ve made a root beer float cake a couple times, but it was nothing like the one you linked to. No chocolate at all and it tasted slightly root-beer-floaty.
Oh Ryley…when you find the answer to that question, let me know.
Bento scares me, and I don’t know why.
And yes, my boys are all about paper bags…so they don’t have to remember anything as important as a lunch bag/box.
.-= Sarah Turner´s last blog ..New Baby Anxiety, A Question and An Answer =-.
I’m skeptical about the Pam-on-avocados thing. I haven’t found anything to keep them from browning except citrus juice. And even that doesn’t keep the avocado flesh from tasting “aged.” Let me know if you try it.
So did Ryley understand why girls need chocolate now? Or did his teacher fail to draw the lines?
.-= Kelly @ Love Well´s last blog ..Kieran, Part One =-.
Well, we have a lot of talk about weddings at the moment… my mom-in-law is remarrying at the end of the year. Apart from the fact that when I lamented: “What will I wear?” All my children replied with:”Your wedding dress”… little do they now I am at least twice the woman my husband married… but they all think that while the wife promises: “To love and cherish until… blah di blah…” the husbands vow is: “To love, cherish and provide chocolate until…” – I know, I know I am training them well!!!!
.-= se7en´s last blog ..This Week (1 June) At Se7en… =-.
Oh. No. We’re entering the world of packed lunches for the first time next year and you spring this on me. What am I going to do now???
Oh just eat the whole bowl of guac at one sitting! It’s the best way to deal with it.
.-= edj´s last blog ..Mawazine; Sting =-.
We’ve been trying to bento after reading a wonderful article in Mothering magazine a few months back…oh did those boxes look so cute! I’ve gotten as far as cutting out the sandwich in shapes…does that count?? What about Make Way for Ducklings…one of our favorites!
.-= Pamela´s last blog ..Coffee Talk =-.
I’m sorry I have no tips on the avocado thing, they kinda gross me out. LOL We haven’t had to pack lunches yet, but when the day comes, I’d love to try bento boxes. They’re so cute!
.-= Misti´s last blog ..Whatcha Reading Wednesday =-.
I’m sceptical about adding oil to avocados, but then we never have avocados sitting around since we practically inhale them whole (YUM!)
Bento boxes are the best. It’s possible that your older kids will think “not enough food” but that could be a valuable way to reframe how they look at food quantities. North Americans tend to value large quantities of empty calories rather than small amounts of high quality food. Bento boxes are therefore a bit counter cultural but there is no reason they can’t be just as (or more) nutritious and filling.
Amusing that we see them as more environmentally friendly though. In Japan, it’s all about presentation and packaging is a big part of that.
.-= Mary @ Parenthood´s last blog ..June 4, 2010 =-.
I’ve always made my own guacamole with my homemade pico de gallo which has lots of lime juice in it. It keeps the guac from browning quickly, but the only other way to keep it over a few days is to seal the guac with plastic wrap directly on the top of the dip, as in it has to keep air from touching it so it has to be touching.
That looks a lot like archie!! Happy Birthday!