This version features a lot of me bossing you around, telling you where to go on the internet. I’m sorry. I think it’s because I am a first-born child.
1. I entered Greeblemonkey’s January Greeblepix contest with this photo I took of Ryley last summer. For every entry, Aimee is donating $1 to UNICEF for their Haiti relief efforts. The theme this month is inspirational, so if you have a photo that fits the theme, why not enter? You have until tonight, 10 pm MST (1/19).
2. I have a new Mile High Mamas post up. I mused about my ginormous family. It was sparked by some of Sam’s classmates asking if I was his mom or his daycare. Go say hello, pretty please. I love having people to my second home. Think of it as a gorgeous mountain cabin.
3. This past week, the internet has fed me well. The highlight was The Pioneer Woman’s Cauliflower Soup. It was one of the best things I have made in my long-legged life. All 6 of the big kids cleaned their bowls, which is stunning. I decided to make it because Jenni from One Thing made a vegan version and thought it was divine. I marveled that if it was amazing despite the hemp milk, how much more amazing would it be made with the original recipe? I was not wrong.
4. One of my favorite blogging friends, Heidi the Minnesota Mom, had her second child last week. He is supremely cute—all cheek and with a nice head of hair. Go tell her congratulations.
5. Did you hear Hollywood is making a movie based on What to Expect When You’re Expecting? Insanity. I can’t wait for the part about how important it is to sprinkle wheat germ on every food. The colostrum sequence is going to be a riot!
Seeing as I haven’t had a baby, and therefore haven’t read What to Expect When You’re Expecting, in 18 years, watching that movie would be a hoot of a trip down memory lane. Colostrum…ha!
I’m a first born, too. Bossing people around is our job. 😉
.-= Dorci´s last blog ..I See the Lord =-.
Ha! I am firstborn as well. Funny how even when we have a passel of kids to boss around, we always have more potential.
.-= GretchenJoanna´s last blog ..What I Did on Zacchaeus Sunday =-.
Are first-borns bossy? Hmmmmm. Never noticed. I’ll have to ask my sisters about that one. 😉
And seriously, has Ree ever led you wrong? Has Ree every led anyone wrong? What would our lives be without the internet bringing her into our homes? Can you imagine if she had spent her adulthood out on that ranch, cooking up an AMAZING storm and the only people to benefit were her family and friends? I shudder to think.
Thanks for the list. Always enjoyable.
.-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..SortaCrunchy Recommends – Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood =-.
I’m a bossy firstborn, too. I’ll admit it. And Anja has recently decided that she deserves to boss her parents around. That, to put it lightly, does not go over too well (though we sometimes laugh about it behind closed doors).
Thanks for the congratulations!
I’m a firstborn as well, but only by a mere 31 minutes. The minimal age advantage didn’t stop me from fulfilling my destiny as a bossy firstborn! Ha!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..The Drawing Battle =-.
I am also a firstborn and sadly, very, very bossy! I just discovered your blog from reading your comment on another blog. I am also the child of an alcoholic and thought your comment was wonderful. I love your blog and will be back!
You know I love a good list and you didn’t disappoint. (fellow firstborn of lists and bossiness) I’ll have to get a cookin. The soup looks faaaaantastic. I tried Ree’s Dulce De Leche coffee thingy and it was heavenly. Best cup of coffee I’ve ever had.
.-= Heth´s last blog ..Whew. I Need A Nap =-.
Just found you! Yay! And yay for bossy firstborns.
and #5…whaaaaaat? lol. Well, you know they tell screenplay writers to put plenty of tension and conflict in their stories. There ya go.
I’m also a firstborn and a definite list maker. That Expecting movie will either be terrible or fantastic. I guess we’ll have to wait and see which!
I don’t understand people who ask whether you are a daycare. Do you have lots of multiples or something? Because daycares usually have a smaller age range, no? Could just be me though.
.-= Mary @ Parenthood´s last blog ..January 18, 2010 =-.
Ha- I can’t imagine anything good coming out of that movie…
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..The one about Ivy’s clothes. =-.