1. The infamous Beck is hosting a round-up of bloggers and their gift guides. She’s calling it “Non-Oprah’s Favorite Things” and we are her collective Gayle. I made a gift guide, and it’s posted today. My theme was nostalgia, so I drew on my own childhood and classic Christmas gifts. I tried to include gifts from small businesses, Etsy, and some one-of-a-kind things. Everything can be bought online. Easy peasy, and if I do say so myself, cute. And yummy.
2. Here is an exhaustive, comprehensive list of televised Christmas specials and movies. It’s not pretty, but it’s updated daily and includes cooking shows, movies, and animated classics. Now there is no excuse for missing Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish.
3. It’s back! I’m not sure it ever really goes away, because I don’t search for it in June. It’s time to roast your virtual turkey. I have mine roasting at 350 degrees right now. Fun turkey facts are flashed below the oven. Did you know 3 power plants in England are fueled by turkey droppings? And the heaviest turkey ever raised was 66 pounds. That’s a 4th grader.
4. Marney’s Thanksgiving Letter. This is so well-known, I almost hesitated including it in this volume of …people like lists. But it still makes me smile and feel grateful there are no Marneys in my family. Unless. Maybe? What if I’M THE MARNEY!?
5. The Swedish Chef makes pumpkin pies.
Don’t worry…if you wonder whether you’re the Marney, you’re not the Marney. (That’s what I’m telling myself, anyway, since I think if anyone in my family were a Marney, it would be me).
Hee hee. I love the Swedish Chef! Also, I had to laugh at the end of #3. 66lbs. That’s a 4th grader…or my first grader (he’s tall).
Infamous? I’m infamous now? That’s awesome. I sound like I sack villages and steal husbands! I loved your list.
I know I’m not Marney since I know several of them. Lucky me! Tragically, my Canadian Thanksgiving is now but a dim pleasant memory.