I find I succeed when I announce what I will not do in a coming year. Here are my 100 Irresolutions:
1. be entranced by alpaca farm commercials.
2. lose 50 or more pounds.
3. travel to Michigan for any reason.
4. meet Alton Brown.
5. switch to Charmin.
6. wear a hairnet.
7. eat mussels.
8. knit cozies for small appliances.
9. take up kick boxing.
10. write here daily.
11. buy drinks for everyone in a bar.
12. get married.
13. use a pressure cooker.
14. short sheet the bed as a joke.
15. eat hot dogs purchased at the zoo.
16. place a long-distance call to the Eastern Hemisphere.
17. call the insurance company whilst angry.
18. drink red Koolaid.
19. read anything by J.K. Rowling
20. attend a Lenny Kravitz concert
21. become addicted to quarter-pump toffee nut, quarter-pump hazelnut, half-pump vanilla, half-caf organic soy triple shot venti 140 degree lattes WITH foam.
22. complain about the writer’s strike.
23. watch the Academy Awards.
24. learn the choreography for “Thriller”.
25. take a bus down the entire length of Colfax Avenue.
26. eat at the Taco John’s in Longmont, Colorado.
27. cook SOS for dinner.
28. write about the time I went to a nudist camp in college.
29. dye my hair red.
30. get my Christmas tree without sniffing it for animal pee first.
31. shop at Steve and Barry’s for pants.
32. find myself eating blueberry pie in a retirement RV park on Highway 285.
33. feel a little jealous when people announce pregnancies.
34. get strep throat.
35. paint my fingernails blue.
36. tell anyone I hate them.
37. attempt to find happiness in a can of Ranch Pringles.
38. doubt the love Brad Pitt has for Angelina Jolie.
39. switch to three squares, as recommended for the environment.
40. do the Icky Shuffle.
41. shake hands with Putin.
42. find myself jumping on to Phil’s little mat and waiting breathlessly for him to tell me, “You’re Team #1!”
43. eat buffalo cheese.
44. spend the 4th of July in Boulder.
45. start wearing a watch.
46. complain about packing lunches.
47. bug my husband to paint our walls wacky colors.
48. turn my electric blanket past “2” on the little dial, no matter how chilly our room may be when I go to bed.
49. defend Lynn Spears.
50. suddenly begin understanding Linux.
51. keep those same three pictures above our bed—redecorate, already!
52. drink a whiskey drink, drink a vodka drink, drink a lager drink, drink a cider drink—at least not all at once.
53. get blogging inspiration from songs on my iTunes list.
54. admit I have Tubthumping on my iPod. And I like it.
55. watch “Xanadu” curled up on the couch with my husband.
56. have tea with Camilla Parker Bowles.
57. get a hole in one.
58. start smoking again.
59. vote for someone just because they claim to have a certain faith.
60. vote against someone based solely on their faith.
61. gripe about an extra day in February.
62. bowl a 300.
63. bowl a 200.
64. take all the hot water.
65. order fish and chips all the time.
66. neglect the waffle iron.
61. wear heels to the museum.
62. keep the baby teeth.
63. take the scale out of the bathroom cupboard.
64. google various symptoms.
65. pay full price for any item of clothing.
66. consume black licorice.
67. get another dog.
68. go back on a promise I made in early 2006 that we’d go to Chuck E. Cheese in 2008.
69. neglect those two bushes in the backyard.
70. take the stairs three at a time.
71. always order ranch dressing on every salad.
72. pout.
73. covet items in the Anthropologie and Chasing Fireflies catalogs.
74. blame the dog.
75. forget to order guacamole on the side.
76. make fun of the sci-fi shows my husband likes to watch.
77. continue hanging on to every art project/masterpiece of art my children create.
78. plan garage sales for “next weekend”.
79. hide Oreo Cakesters on the shelf above the dryer.
80. roll my eyes so much.
81. expect my husband to read my mind.
82. serve spaghetti more than three times a month.
83. let the dry cleaning pile up for too long.
84. blather on and on about my new Mac.
85. convince my husband to buy a Mini Sport, pepper white, with a black roof.
86. hitchhike.
87. freak out just because my eldest will start middle school in 2008…
88. let the sledding hills tempt me.
89. promise my kids we’ll do something, then not follow through.
90. eat foods on a dare.
91. be so hard on myself.
92. take others for granted.
93. pass by the Chia Pet display without a thought—I might buy one!
94. resist the urge to just say it: Swiffer Wet Jet Pads look like maxi pads for horses. They even have Dry Weave.
95. fish without a license.
96. buy iffy shoes just because they are 90% off and I may wear them somewhere, sometime.
97. reveal the secret location of the good pen.
98. define myself or others by the most frequented discount store.
99. use the word “flipping” so, um, much.
100. complain about aging.
I think #28 bears reconsideration.
These were so funny…
Jenni’s last blog post..My Weighty Accomplishments
I love 96 about the iffy shoes. I really need to stop doing that with shoes and clothes just because the price is right!
Fun list!
Randi’s last blog post..we were dreaming of a white christmas!
enjoyed your list. great way to start the new year. i won’t be losing 50 pounds either.
chickadee’s last blog post..A Favorite Gift
I love it. Great idea. I think I’ll make a list of my own! (I confess to wondering about #28 myself).
Crack me up.
#78 had me giggling…from experience.
Heth’s last blog post..Christmas 2007- In the Form of a List
i love this! this is truly the best idea ever!
misty’s last blog post..Here I am…
Jenni suggested I swing by and ponder your un-resolution/not-to-do list. I wonder about a couple of items.
First off, what will you all eat if you don’t fix spaghetti more than three times a month? My kids would be quite upset if it didn’t appear weekly. Can you just mix up the toppings and call it by a different name? Spaghetti and meatballs; spaghetti in marinara sauce; alfredo sauce on, hm, let’s call them by the generic “pasta” this time; and then spaghetti with pesto.
And I do fear that I may be placed in the awkward situation of having to eat a few mussels just to be polite at some point in the summer of ’08, when we’re planning a trip to Belgium, land of mussels.
Other than that, I think I can join you in not doing the rest of your list.
Ann Kroeker’s last blog post..On the Sixth Day of Christmas?
Love your will not list. So very clever. A couple of times I had to remind myself that these are things you are NOT going to do as I was reading. LOL.
Joanne’s last blog post..Happy 24th Anniversary to my sweetie!
I love your lists. You are the queen of all things listly.
I LOVE YOUR LIST! You’re brilliant!
Sadly, I AM likely to do some of the things on this list. (like dye my hair red) Now I want to make an irresolutions list, too!
Rebecca’s last blog post..Hi folks!
Hmm. You will be busy. Some of those things will take some major concentration. Others will be a breeze (unless Camilla has been pounding on your door.)
You’re awesome!
24. learn the choreography for “Thrillerâ€.
Oh..come on, I think you should! Just the thought of enacting it makes me giggle!
My middle school trio of friends and I practiced in earnest in the hallway at the Y for the aerobics choreography WE had to do for gym class (the BOYS got to do flag football). It was a Janet Jackson song – I am pretty sure it was “What Have You Done for Me Lately” – from the Control album http://www.google.com/musicl?lid=_BieW-t662D&aid=VI_KSE3lv2M
Kerry’s last blog post..Just Remains
#96 made me laugh. I happened upon a Joan and David store at the end of 2000. They were going out of business. There were few shoes left to fit my perfect size 7 feet. Except one pair — it was, in fact, 90% off. It was a pair of lavender suede pumps, with a black stacked 2″ heel. They were normally $200, on sale for $20. How could I resist? My dad asked what I would wear them with, and I said it didn’t matter because getting this pair of shoes for $20 was a shopping victory.
Shortly thereafter, I got pregnant and my feet grew from a perfect size 7 to a perfect size 8. My victory was short-lived. I didn’t even have a chance to buy an outfit to match.
I love your irresolutions! What a great idea! 38, 81, and 96 are particularly resonant for me.
Jess’s last blog post..Blue
Ok, I went to an Alpaca farm in Michigan this past year and it was very fun. You can read about it here if you are so inclined. http://thediaperdiaries.wordpress.com/2007/06/11/oh-the-things-they-say/
I think you should cross of #1 and #3 off your list and come visit. Seriously, what do you have against Michigan?
I am also confused by #40. Am I the only one who hasn’t a clue what that is?
Love your list! #94 made me laugh out loud!
dlyn’s last blog post..And a few more