I had an abdominal ultrasound yesterday. It’s a really long and boring story, so I won’t explain why I had my gallbladder, pancreas, and liver examined, unless something comes of it. I’ll know the results on Friday.
As the tech and a student were rooting around under and between my ribs, they stopped on a foggy-looking spot and both of them oohed.
The tech said I have a perfect pancreas. Just beautiful.
No mention about the glorious attributes of my other innards, which make me wonder if they are looking like Nick Nolte’s mugshot.
When my aunt went in for a colonoscopy when she was sixty, they told her she had the colon of a twenty-year-old. She was very proud.
Hope you are fine.
Veronica Mitchell’s last blog post..Mothers, Master and Commander and Identity
Hopefully your pancreas has been a good role model for your other innards…
I’ll be thinking about ya…
Howdy’s last blog post..How you tell time depends on where you are in life…
Well a beautiful pancreas is something to be proud of. When I had my abdominal Ultrasound for my gallbladder my pancreas was not even mentioned. I’m jealous.
noble pig’s last blog post..Shameful Self-Promotion
The only u/s I’ve ever had was during pregnancy, but they usually made me empty my bladder several times during it, because my bladder was getting in the way.
Hope everything turns out for the best!
Heidi’s last blog post..At least he doesn’t do armpit tricks?
As a poor college student, I used to make a few extra bucks donating plasma.
Maybe 6 months or so after my last donation, I was eating lunch at a restaurant when the waitress looked at me and said, “I remember YOU! You used to come into the clinic where I worked! You had the best plasma we’d ever seen!”
My husband was there – he’s my witness.
It was the strangest lunch conversation!! But, like you, I felt a little proud, too.
Stacey @ Happy Are We’s last blog post..Oiling the Bloggy Gears
During an actual PELVIC exam for my yearly physical, the nurse-midwife who was examining me (who always was rather chatty) complemented me by saying, “You have a great pelvis. You could fit a 9 or 10lb baby through here.”
Um….thanks? I wasn’t really sure how to respond to that, but I guess one day that might come in handy.
aubrey’s last blog post..Local Garden Overflows Bed; Neighbors Wonder What Owners Were Thinking.
I’m so impressed. I had a (non-pregnancy) uterine ultrasound recently and I figured the tech would shout, “MY WORD, what have you DONE to that thing??”
Rocks In My Dryer’s last blog post..Three Things I Learned Today
And is your husband okay with the tech praising your pancreas so warmly?
Hope the test brings back good results.
Maybe you could pen a little ode to that perfect pancreas?
I’ll get you started . . .
O, pancreas,
I behold you in all your glory.
How is it you were revealed to me?
Let me tell you the story.
Hope all is well, Gretchen. Let us know (if you want to).
Megan@SortaCrunchy’s last blog post..Shift
This post has me grinning.
There should be a sticker or something that you could wear: “I have a perfect pancreas.” Since no one can see it and congratulate you.
Heth’s last blog post..Iris
Did they give you a little black and white picture of it like when you are pregnant?
Cyndi’s last blog post..Isaac is weaned
Sounds like an occasion for a haiku.
Jenni’s last blog post..Over and Out
I’m late reading this! It’s Friday, I hope you are healthy and everything’s alright!
Ann’s last blog post..Huff
LOL, you should be proud of your perfect pancreas! No diabetes for you!
And Aubrey’s comment made me laugh also. When I was in labor with my first child, every last doctor and nurse who checked me said, ‘Oh, you have such a nice roomy pelvis!” I wasn’t sure how to respond.
Hope all is well with you, Gretchen!