I had a routine appointment today. Because of my history of low fluid with Beatrix and Archie, I had an ultrasound just to peek in on things. There was no reason to believe the fluid would be low because all my ultrasounds this time have shown good fluid levels and a happy Mr. Baby.
Until today.
The fluid measured 6. Anything 5 and below means delivery. The doctor put me on immediate bedrest, at home, for at least the next week. I will have another ultrasound next Monday. If his movements decrease or I notice any sort of change, I am to call them.
My mother is dropping everything to drive from Grand Junction to help. She is the best.
I am in bed. Aidan brought the laptop and a s’mores bar to me, saying, “You are going to need these.” I see a future for her in midwifery or perhaps as a Best Buy salesperson.
I had low fluid with Beatrix and Archie. I know the complications, implications, and what it’s like to meet a baby earlier than expected. I truly thought we escaped low fluid this time.
Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts. I am pretty discouraged at this moment. If he needed to be born, he’d be okay-ish. I have 4 weeks left at the most, anyway, but the longer he cooks, the better. With low fluid, one of the issues is that lung development is slowed. The other is that there is no cushion for the umbilical cord, so babies can crush it which is, um, the worst of the worst.
Good news: He is head-down, has chubby cheeks, and hair long enough to be seen via ultrasound. He is growing well. The cord blood flow was excellent. I am feeling him squirm right now. I love it. I love him.
I didn’t realize you were so close to your due date. Praying for you and Mr. Baby.
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..Blue =-.
Oh Gretchen. I’m so sorry. You’ve made it so far, complication-free, only to have this sneak up on you.
But like you said, you know what you’re doing. All will be well. Enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy. I’ll be praying the wolves of fear don’t steal your joy (and that maybe the fluid levels would increase in a big way between now and next week).
.-= Kelly @ Love Well´s last blog ..Black and Light =-.
Praying for you Gretchen – rest rest rest – but you know that! Know we are sending healthy baby, rise in fluid vibes you way….
.-= Jill´s last blog ..So- this is the week we wait =-.
Oh dear, you must be feeling awful… We will pray for you of course and hold our breathe while you rest… Buckets of love to you.
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Saturday Spot- Fabulous Friday Friends… =-.
I don’t comment often, but I just wanted to say that low fluid levels also snuck up on me with my little girl. She was two weeks earlier than planned but as healthy as can be.
You’re in my prayers <3
I’ll be praying for you and Mr. Baby! What a great mom you have.
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..Non-Feet Related News =-.
Yay for your mom. Take it easy, drink a lot. I hope the next test shows he’s swimming around comfortably.
My heart sank when I read this post. Like you, I was really hoping that there was going to be plenty of fluids for Mr. Baby. Praying for you and your family!
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..Making a bee line for the zip line =-.
It’s wonderful that they can notice these things and be proactive about it. My prayers are with you; God must know that you could use some bed rest!
.-= GretchenJoanna´s last blog ..Architecture of War and History =-.
I would be there in a second if I could!! I know you have lots of helpers. Will be praying.
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..Headshots =-.
Everything I’ve heard about bedrest is that it’s no fun – as much fun as being told to rest seems to be to the rest of us.
Praying for Mr. Baby and looking forward to meeting him, but not just yet.
.-= Anonymouse´s last blog ..my blind side =-.
Definitely take it easy and drink plenty of fluid. And sometimes it can just be a fluke thing – the measurement might be low today, but then later will be fine. Praying for Mr. Baby and excited about seeing his long hair!
.-= Aubrey´s last blog ..Sadness =-.
Bummer. I’ll be praying for you and baby and family. Sending peaceful vibes your way.
I am so sorry to hear this! Bed rest is never easy, but with seven kiddos… I can’t even imagine. I’ll be praying for you and little guy and family.
.-= Erin´s last blog ..you capture- black and white =-.
I am praying for you and will be these next few days! What a blessing to have your mom and Aidan help you out!
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
.-= Stephanie Gardner´s last blog ..Considering Foster Care =-.
Praying for you and your precious one.
Oh Gretchen! I am so sorry to hear this – I know it must be such a bummer after everything else sailing along so smoothly.
Sending many prayers for you and Mr. Baby. If I were close by, I would be there with an armful of celebrity gossip magazines and crosswords and trashy beach novels.
Keep us updated! XOXO
Praying, praying, praying!
Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes and prayers. They are very appreciated. Mr. Baby and I are hanging in bed. I rest and drink. My mom is here.
Praying for you and for sweet Mr. Baby, Gretchen.
Praying for you and the little man.
Take care . . . you’re in my thoughts and prayers!
.-= Melodee´s last blog ..Doors with locks =-.
I will most certainly be thinking of you and Mr. babe. Just lay there and rest. Let people bring you S’mores and the laptop:)
.-= beth – total mom haircut´s last blog ..From Dirt To Slaw =-.
Praying for you both. May the s’mores and laptop make the bedrest bearable.
P.S. Three cheers for thoughtful daughters and superhero moms! 🙂
You will be in my prayers! Looking forward to seeing this newest addition!
Your comment about Aiden being a midwife or best buy salesperson cracked me up! At least she has options, right? 🙂
and we love you – hoping and praying for the best!