If girls are sugar and spice and all things nice…
If boys are snips and snails and puppy dog tails…
Then the extremely modest, legs-locked-in-a-cross-at-the-ankles baby is a combination of both. Sugary snails? Salty snips? Nice long honey-colored golden retreiver puppy tails?
We have a very healthy, measuring one week ahead, full-bladdered, got-all-the-parts baby who is keeping gender a tight-gummed secret. I can hear giggling coming from below my heart.
Hooray for you all. (I mean, ya’ll.)
Oh, so secretive! What a sense of mischief. Congrats on all the information you did receive. It sounds like the little…one…is doing great.
And thanks for linking to me. I appreciate it and really enjoy your blog.
So glad all is well with baby! Pity he/she didn’t want you to know his/her gender!
I hope my baby is less modest when the time comes to find out!
YAY! This is the only time you DON’T want your kids to be modest. Your little baby is ahead of it’s self on learning the virtues.
Congratulations Gretchen.
Glad to hear all is well with the baby!
Glad to hear baby is doing well. Will you have another u/s somewhere down the line when baby might be less modest, or will you have to wait til baby’s birthday?
Happy Mother’s day
It’s a girl. Glad to hear the baby looks good.
Ohhh! Doesn’t that drive you nuts? I think it will me if I cannot find out. Glad to hear all is well with baby modesty!
Send me a pic in a few months and I’ll tell ya who is what. I have a knack for it.
Hamster, I agree with you. It’s a girl! But I’m so glad she’s healthy.
I know all about modest babies, though. Tommy was one modest little dude. Mike and I used to joke that he’d come out demanding a fig leaf.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mopsy. I’m so excited for you!
Congrats on your healthy little bundle. Must be a girls, what with being so modest. You’ve taught her well already.
Well, at least he/she is modest. For what it’s worth, I’m predicting it’s a girl. You ought to put up a poll and let us all make guesses!
“I can hear giggling coming from below my heart.”
I love this image!
Sorry s/he was not willing to give you a peek. I, too, have a feeling it is a girl. Hope you had a Happy Mother’s Day!
Ahhh, congrats to the healty giggling baby
I’m going with others and betting it’s a girl. When I was pg with our b/g twins, the boy showed the world what he was, but the girl was modest–just to keep me that little bit stressed. I already had a boy–who was 20 months when the twins were born–and I was just praying I wouldn’t end up with 3 boys under 2! So I was pretty happy that my modest “baby B” was a girl.