Dark room, wand, sound waves bounced through my body.
A computer collected the bits of information and compiled an image of two tiny feet.
In August, God willing, those feet will be smeared with black ink and pressed on a card stock certificate of birth.
.-= Kimberly´s last blog ..Nearly the best quote ever =-.
Congratulations Gretchen! What a thrill.
Praying with you for this little life!
.-= Kelly @ Love Well´s last blog ..I Am Never Bored =-.
Congratulations! I guess that answers one of those questions you always get!
.-= The Casual Perfectionist´s last blog ..By “gone†I mean “here,†and by “fishing†I mean “writing.†=-.
Yay! Congrats!
Omigoodness! I can’t believe it! This is so beautiful! Congratulations! (I’ll stop with the exclamation points now)
WOO-HOO! So excited!
.-= Shannon´s last blog ..Oh You Supremely Convoluted Show, How We’ve Missed You =-.
Yea! I love new feet!
.-= Anonymouse´s last blog ..technically, it’s the recycling =-.
OMG! Congratulations, Gretchen! What a lucky little baby to get you guys for its family. Yay!
.-= Laura´s last blog ..National Wear Red Day =-.
Congratulations! How beautiful are those feet that bring good news
Wow! Congratulations Gretchen!!!!!!!!!
Sooo excited for you! How wonderful! Congratulations! Such sweet little feet. I’m jealous.
.-= Suzanne Temple´s last blog ..Prognosticating Punxsutawney =-.
Wow, I actually have tears of joy! Congratulations.
.-= joanne´s last blog ..Monday Morning Musings =-.
Oh congratulations! I wish you a happy healthy pregnancy!!
.-= LT´s last blog ..Friends =-.
Best early ultrasound ever.
OMG – Gretchen – I was so happily shocked to see this! May God grant you peace and health through your pregnancy
I can’t stop grinning, so darn happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.-= Jill´s last blog ..Here is 7…. =-.
What sweet little feet! Yay for babies!
.-= Sarah@ Life in the Parsonage´s last blog ..More Than a Bump… =-.
Oh the little tootsies!
Congrats to you and yours!
(big ol’ smile on my face)
.-= Heather of the EO´s last blog ..Motherhood did not change me for the better =-.
Another little one! Congratulations!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Gray Snow =-.
Yay! Beautiful news, Gretchen. Congrats.
.-= Jamie´s last blog ..Eat Your Heart Out, Olan Mills =-.
Wow!!!!!! Congratulations!!
As an aside, I love the font your u/s tech used.
Or was that you?
Congrats! How exciting. I will be praying for a healthy pregnancy.
Congratulations, Gretchen!!!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Kid Quote =-.
Oh my goodness!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
Ok, I guess not twins then
But congrats anyway!
Hope it’s a girl…Aidan and Beatrix need some company!
PS You and Lee should travel in the Arab world–they would ADORE you all!
.-= edj´s last blog ..Fabric Shmabric =-.
What adorable little feet. Congratulations Gretchen and Lee!
.-= Heth´s last blog ..Heth Takes the Plunge =-.
Your family grew by another two feet! I love it! Congrats!
They’re perfect little feet, if you ask me!
CONGRATULATIONS! I couldn’t be more thrilled for you!!
.-= Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com´s last blog ..Daddy-made. =-.
Congratulations, you Lifenut, you!!
.-= Angie´s last blog ..Distracted Woman’s Daybook #9 =-.
I knew it!!!!
.-= Adventures In Babywearing´s last blog ..That’s just the way it is. =-.
Woohoo! Those are some mighty cute feet.
I know it’s all for the buttercream.
So happy for your family!
.-= Lori in Denver´s last blog ..Tune in Wednesday; I’m on MomTV =-.
congratulations! precious picture of sweet little one’s foot(s) as we say in our house.
Oh my goodness – Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your family. My prayers are with the newest baby bean, that he or she may grow strong and healthy in your womb. Oh, so happy for you!
Oh those feet are too cute, love them. What can I say: eight is great!!! Loved your “mom of one” post!!!
.-= se7en´s last blog ..Sunday Snippet: Se7en Valentine Bible Games… =-.
aHA! I knew it! I really, really had a feeling you were. Things seemed awfully quiet around here and on the old Facebook.
CONGRATS, GRETCHEN! I am so thrilled for y’all.
.-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesdsay: Hope (on my kitchen window) =-.
Congratulations!!! Our prayers for a very healthy pregnancy and baby!
Yay for you!!!!! I am so excited!
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..This Might Come Out All Wrong =-.
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? That’s the last news I expected to find at your blog today. A thousand congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your next post at Mile High Mamas has to be about this.
.-= Amber’s Crazy Bloggin’ Canuck´s last blog ..Olympic questions answered and YOUR Olympic questions needed! =-.
Congratulations! #8! Awesome.
.-= Minnesotamom´s last blog ..If you hate to laugh =-.
Oh Gretchen, how happy I am for you. How sublimely happy!
.-= jenni´s last blog ..Top Ten Tuesday: The Food Edition =-.
OOOHHHHH it’s SO exciting!!! Just fantastic news! We’ll keep our fingers crossed over here in the NW!!!!!!
Whoo hooo! So wonderful! Our family is praying for your family, especially for health and well-being for you and the tiny toes.
.-= Bonnie´s last blog .."New" Car Shopping =-.
Congratulations!! Very exciting!
.-= Andrea @ The Train To Crazy´s last blog ..A little crafting help! =-.
Congratulations! Prayers for good health for everyone.
Oh, welcome, new feet!
And many many congratulations, Gretchen! I’m tearing up here, because I am a dork like that. It’s simply wonderful.
.-= Kira´s last blog ..A measure of the man =-.
Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations!
.-= Holly´s last blog .. =-.
I love tiny toes.
Oh my goodness Gretchen, that is wonderful news. So happy for you. You know I did wonder the other day if you would have any more!!