First, the Madness: At this moment, at ebay, there are 115 Jones Soda Holiday Packs for sale. The highest price is a Buy It Now! for $92.30. The lowest? One Penny! But there are six days left in that auction—it is bound to get out-of-hand too. My morning SuperTarget surprise inspection uncovered zero Holiday Packs. I once said, foolishly, that “I will not be denied.” It appears I will be denied. That is the last time I promise to try iffy and potentially disgusting sodas in the name of bloggership.
Now, the Gladness: The pie was easily and honestly the best apple pie I have ever eaten in my entire life. That is not in the least overstating the obvious amazing tastiness of the pie. I do not exaggerate. We used a butcher knife to slice it. An axe or a wood saw would have done the trick as well, without being overkill. A single scoop of vanilla ice cream looked like a snowball hitting the side of a giant Amish-built barn when lovingly placed next to a slice of our warm and sugary Texas pie. Now I am eyeing the Pumpkin Silk Pie made by the same company. Broncos vs. Saints anyone? Broncos vs. Chargers? Broncos vs. your local high school football team?
I’m glad you liked the pie! It makes me hungry just thinking about it!