I guess if I lived near mountains I wouldn’t look at all of these pictures and have my heart in my throat with worry!? Beautiful pictures though. Heights are my dread fear. For real.
Then if you ever come to Colorado and visit us (which would be awesome), we won’t take you to Mt. Evans road, where the asphalt is crumbly, there are no guardrails, and there are 1,000 ft. drops. Only one of the kids (so far, jury’s out on Archie and Teddy) is scared of the twisty, narrow mountain roads and hikes…but he’s one of the kiddos in the photos.
Oh, those pictures are beautiful! How I long for fall weather…
I guess if I lived near mountains I wouldn’t look at all of these pictures and have my heart in my throat with worry!? Beautiful pictures though. Heights are my dread fear. For real.
Love the header.
Then if you ever come to Colorado and visit us (which would be awesome), we won’t take you to Mt. Evans road, where the asphalt is crumbly, there are no guardrails, and there are 1,000 ft. drops. Only one of the kids (so far, jury’s out on Archie and Teddy) is scared of the twisty, narrow mountain roads and hikes…but he’s one of the kiddos in the photos.
Sigh. I’m jealous. Although I do love SC, it just can’t compete.
It’s a pretty sight but all these mountains and boulders remind me of “127 hours”. Play safe!