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It has been brought to my attention I have a blog

The 12 of us (9 people, 1 baby in utero, a dog, a fish) are still alive.

I thought about apologizing for only writing when I have baby stuff to talk about (with the exception of my Mile High Mamas post) but you know what? That’s life right now. It’s a big topic of conversation in our home. My body is consumed by the demands of growing elbows and toes and a pancreas. I am still nauseated, tired, and have the aches and pains of an advanced maternal age mom having her eighth baby.

I saw the baby yesterday at the NT scan, which I get for several reasons: Free ultrasound, it’s an ultrasound that’s free, and because it happens to be a chance to see the baby via ultrasound and it’s free. It’s good to see a heartbeat. It’s good to see churning legs and waving arms and hands that already open and close. It’s a window on a miracle. If I have the chance to spy a little, I am there.

I love this kid. Even the ultrasound tech was giggling at how animated he/she was, striking all kinds of poses. It took a long time for the baby to stop moving enough to zoom in on the nuchal fold, which was ultimately determined to be 1 mm. That’s a great measurement. Heart rate was 164.

The last ultrasound image I posted was feet. Today, I salute little arms and hands:


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