The 12 of us (9 people, 1 baby in utero, a dog, a fish) are still alive.
I thought about apologizing for only writing when I have baby stuff to talk about (with the exception of my Mile High Mamas post) but you know what? That’s life right now. It’s a big topic of conversation in our home. My body is consumed by the demands of growing elbows and toes and a pancreas. I am still nauseated, tired, and have the aches and pains of an advanced maternal age mom having her eighth baby.
I saw the baby yesterday at the NT scan, which I get for several reasons: Free ultrasound, it’s an ultrasound that’s free, and because it happens to be a chance to see the baby via ultrasound and it’s free. It’s good to see a heartbeat. It’s good to see churning legs and waving arms and hands that already open and close. It’s a window on a miracle. If I have the chance to spy a little, I am there.
I love this kid. Even the ultrasound tech was giggling at how animated he/she was, striking all kinds of poses. It took a long time for the baby to stop moving enough to zoom in on the nuchal fold, which was ultimately determined to be 1 mm. That’s a great measurement. Heart rate was 164.
The last ultrasound image I posted was feet. Today, I salute little arms and hands:
oh, little growing baby! Fight The Power!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..10 Days =-.
So cute! Happy to hear that everything looks good!
I expected to see a baby wearing a big clock necklace. This is better!Yo!
.-= Annie´s last blog ..Idol, Whooz Ur Daddy?! Season 9 Lilly Scott =-.
Oh. My. Word.
I’ve never seen an early ultrasound photo filled with that much personality.
No wonder you’re tired.
So how far along are you? I forget. Because I’m pregnant too, and my brain is currently being absorbed by the placenta.
.-= Kelly @ Love Well´s last blog ..Sled-A-Palooza =-.
What personality! I love him/her, too!
.-= Suzanne Temple´s last blog ..Prayer =-.
I love it!
Hurray for healthy hands and arms and legs and nuchal folds! Great news on the little one.
I felt the same way about my blog when I was pregnant with Leah. I felt like everything was baby-related, but I figured that, well, LIFE was baby related then, and I didn’t have much else to say. That said, talk on about little one. I’ll read it all.
.-= Jessica´s last blog ..Magical Lent =-.
Beautiful! I’m so excited!
I’m so glad everything is okay! I prayed for you a lot yesterday, for peace. What a sweet picture.
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..Fear Grips Me =-.
Hi Gretchen..found your blog via Clover Lane…I read “About Gretchen” and love your writing! I loved how you wrote that each kid “met” you at different ages and stages of your life. Congrats’ on your newest and love the ultrasound photo!
Love the photo.
Is that some kind of fist pump he/she is giving? I think so!
So good to have a free or not free ultrasound…but the free ones are nice!
.-= Sarah@Clover Lane´s last blog ..How I Keep My Kid’s Healthy, Most Of The Time, Knock On Wood =-.
Leading a rebellion already. You’re in for it with this one.
.-= Anonymouse´s last blog ..juiced =-.
Well, you know what they say about the younger siblings in a family. (Actually, maybe you don’t, and if you don’t, don’t Google it. I listened to a podcast on birth order this week and turned it off, feeling certain I was raising a little Fidel Castro.)
He/she is beautiful!
.-= Shannon´s last blog ..Mark Your Calendars For February 27th! =-.
I’ve been missing your blog. But I remember my childbearing years: when not pregnant, writing, writing, all the time. When pregnant, never writing. I was then being creative in that other way.
Cute! I have a similar shot of my little one – I just felt like maybe the baby was waving at me. Glad you’re doing well – I hope you’re getting more rest. And I’ve got just over 4 weeks to go. Hard to believe. I’m having a hard time blogging anything these days, baby-related or otherwise.
Little sweetie.
.-= Heth´s last blog ..The Truth =-.
I love it! I totally thought “Fight the power!” too when I saw that amazing picture. A boy/girl after my own heart.
.-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..40 Days of joy {day 5} – Joy Most Essential =-.
Aaah!!!! Babies of the world doing that wild arm thing… our #8 has been doing it forever, since before he was born. I thought it was wack the mother person… and then discovered it was the wild arm thing and at almost 5 months he is quite the professional. Nice to know he has a “brother/sister” in arms on the far side of the world!!!
.-= se7en´s last blog ..This Week (22 February) at Se7en… =-.
So, so happy for you. I am only now back on the computer after a long break and it was good to see your news. I was going to respond to Archie’s birthday post in Jan. because my 4th was born on his first birthday and I can remember you posting the news last year and wishing for another. God delivered in another years time. Anyhow, congrats!