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In ring three, watch this mom drop things through cracks

1. Joel was invited to a bowling birthday party this Sunday. The invite arrived in the mail weeks ago. I finally remembered to RSVP today, two days after the deadline for shoe sizes. I let the dumbest message in the history of voicemail. The inventor of voicemail, if still alive, is shaking his fist at the sky wondering what his genius wrought, what dumbness has been unleashed. My message was so dumb, I am tempted to call and leave another message.

But TV sitcoms have taught me that would be an even worse mistake.

2. A woman I briefly met at school a few months ago called me with some heartfelt concerns about something related to an event the school was hosting. She left a message. A perfectly non-rambly, non-crazy message. That was two days ago. I haven’t called her back. I keep meaning to call her back. One could argue I could call her instead of typing this post.

3. Apparently, today is some sort of showcase at school. The middle school kids are sharing what they learned during Friday enrichment times. If I was informed, I don’t remember. The only reason I know is because I had to pick up Tommy from school early due to tummy issues and saw people carrying loads of food platters into the building. Oops. Not that I can go anyway, now, because Tommy…is busy feeling fine, watching Phineas and Ferb. Most miraculous recovery in history.

4. May is the craziest, most demanding, zaniest, jam-packed, confusing, dizzying, annoying month of the year. It makes December look like Mona Lisa’s smile—serene and compact. Within the next 3 weeks, we have 2 concerts, a play, 3 field trips, 3 major projects due, 8th grade continuation, Bea’s kindy assessment, field days, a dance. Plus, just the normal business of daily life. That’s all I can remember off the top of my head. I know I am forgetting things like I know my name starts with a Gee (which is a handy word these days).

5. Calling the woman now. One thing about cracks? If it can fall in, it can be fished out.

5 comments to In ring three, watch this mom drop things through cracks

  • The other thing about cracks? If it can fall through, whatever it is was probably kinda tiny in the first place… 😉

  • Is this the month of the Night of the Notables thing? Oh my. Busy times indeed.

    On the upside, I do love the photos from the Notables. I look forward to it every year. Probably more than you do 😉

  • Your whole life cracks me up – totally!!! I think you are living in my skin on the far side of the world!!!

  • Ok I am returning to just say – you may be my confessional: Our tooth mouse has gone AWOL, totally the first two kids had a regular mouse… but I have had a little pile of teeth all carefully wrapped and enveloped that grows weekly, next to the mouse hole… and there are just no returns. Nothing… do my kids need the hard truth this young… maybe the younger kids won’t even hear of the tooth mouse… Surely there are cultures in the world that just drop and toss their teeth and I am so ready to join them for the next couple of years.

  • I’m the worst at returning calls — whether life is crazy or not. I put it off and put it off…and then leave a long, rambling, nonsensical message. 🙂

    Hope things calm down for you soon.

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