We were born the same year and graduated from different high schools in 1989.
My husband claims I wouldn’t have looked at him if we had attended the same high school.
I wouldn’t have talked to him or given him the time of day. If he asked me to dance at a school-sanctioned late-1980s pastel-infested dance, I would have said, “Like no! Gaw!”
I maintain I would have recognized something in him—whatever quality attracted me to him in college would have been present in high school, but in a clumsier form.
Today is his 37th birthday. Being born on the Ides of March means being told to BEWARE! of it again and again by those who remember Caesar’s Bad Day and 10th grade English.
I think it’s a pretty lucky day, for me at least. On the day my husband was born, I was three months away from my own birth.
Mom, do you remember when I kicked you really hard on March 15, 1971?
DH and I have pretty much concluded that he and I wouldn’t have dated in high school if we’d known each other then. And yet, we started dating my first year of college (his 2nd).
Duh! I forgot to say, “Happy birthday, Mr. Mopsy!”
Yes, happy birthday to Gretchen’s man! I am sure the Ides of March thing got very old a long time ago, huh?
Any special celebration plans?
Megan@SortaCrunchy’s last blog post..Mrs Meyers Spring Clean winner
By the by . . . does CommentLuv hate Typepad in general, or just me? hee hee
Megan@SortaCrunchy’s last blog post..Mrs Meyers Spring Clean winner
Happy birthday to your hubby. That was a sweet birthday post. 🙂
My husband and I entertain the same idle speculations, and I enjoy retroactively poking fun at my band geek.
Jamie’s last blog post..Boy + Playdough =
I’m seeing a whole lot of Lifenut kids in those eyes! Happy, happy!
Megan’s last blog post..Ummm?Wow?
I sure wouldn’t have dated my husband in high school. He was geeky and had coke-bottle glasses and acne and braces. Only two of those qualities have gone away. Now I can appreciate a good geek, though.
Alice H’s last blog post..Down the street – 13th Ave and Lincoln St
Happy birthday to your husband. Thankfully we meet the right people at the right time (mostly)
Melany’s last blog post..Carved memories
Oh, this is such a romantic post! Happy birthday to your husband!
My husband and I DID date in high school, which makes me suspect his high school taste in girls.
Rebecca’s last blog post..Goofing around
Happiest of 37th birthdays to you, Gretchen’s man!
Today would have been my grandmother’s birthday, too, were she still alive. And I’ve always remembered it because it’s the Ides of March…
Heidi’s last blog post..The LifeTech Center
Oh, I love it.
My husband and I were born six weeks apart (we’re also the same age, born the year after you). We’ve often smiled at the fact that we were in utero at the same time.
Rocks In My Dryer’s last blog post..She’s Just Like You, Only Hairier and With Sharper Teeth
Oh my gosh- how much your sons look like him!!! Happy birthday. What a sweet post. My husband says the SAME thing about me (if we had known each other in high school.)
Adventures In Babywearing’s last blog post..I’ve Been To The Land, Not The World
Happy Birthday! As someone already commented, I definitely see some Lifenut kids in that face!
Stephanie’s last blog post..Clean Green
I love trying to imagine what my favorite people were doing at the same time as I in a time when I didn’t know them yet . . . I’m not sure that sentence makes sense. Mr. and Mrs. are equally blessed, and so are the rest of us to get a glimpse of you via your site. You remain one of my favorite writers.
Inkling’s last blog post..Brudderthumper
He looks sort of like a boy I had a crush on in high school! 😉
I wouldn’t have looked twice at Donn–except to shudder–when we were in high school. So I’m VERY thankful that we didn’t meet till college.
We’re only 3 DAYS apart in age. Our mothers spent most of the 9 months pregnant at the same time, only 1/2 a world apart.
Tell your hubs Happy Birthday.
edj’s last blog post..Time Keeps Ticking
Happy Birthday to Hubby! I don’t know what you would have thought in high school, but he looks pretty cute to me!
Happy Birthday Mr. Lifenut/technical support. (those are some rad stonewashed jeans)
I think see a little bit of Aidan there.
Heth’s last blog post..Lucky
I love sweet posts like this. From a girl who did marry her high school sweetheart. Actually her 8th grade sweetheart if you want to get technical. Happy birthday, Ides of March and now St. Patrick’s day!
susannah’s last blog post..The Cult of Zoey
Love the little clover…nice touch and cute pics..love the HS photo.
noble pig’s last blog post..Did You Know I Am A Sentimentalist?
I love the last bit to your mom. 🙂
Rach’s last blog post..Obama