OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
How long would you live if you were trapped in your home?
I have the feeling most people would survive longer than our family.
I am NOT eating my dog, even if she looks delicious
How long would you live if you were trapped in your home? I have the feeling most people would survive longer than our family. 15 comments to I am NOT eating my dog, even if she looks deliciousLeave a Reply |
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i got 46 days but i had no idea how much non perishable food was in my house. i’ve got lots of stuff in the freezer though. we’ve also got a rabbit we could eat.
chickadee’s last blog post..Blooming
66 days. But probably longer since one of us (Anja) that was counted wouldn’t eat the food.
Heidi’s last blog post..The Relationship between Nutrition and Disease
55 days. I need to do it again without including the cat. Not that I am so much of a animal lover I would starve my family over a pet but she seems to pick up/prey on the grossest things I just don’t think I could do it.
Crockstar’s last blog post..Easy Simple Sausage Biscuit and Cheese Breakfast
53. We have a few small fish. Do you think I could eat those? I am wondering how I eat my leather couch. With ketchup?
Jill’s last blog post..Works For Me Wednesday- How to Set a Table
This is the scariest looking survey I’ve ever seen. If I take it, it is sure to give me nightmares. Thanks for giving me a chance to say, “No way Jose!” today.
Inkling’s last blog post..Speed racers.
39 days. Darn. I had hoped to start making fewer trips to the grocery store, but I guess we’re still going to have to do that every other week.
I beat you by one day. And I would absolutely make soup out of my birds if I had to. And I think they know it.
Veronica Mitchell’s last blog post..The Gosling and Me
53 days. But my husband says he won’t survive that long because I would end up killing him. I guess that would make the food last longer for the rest of us.
I could survive 78 days! And that’s without a pet.
Either I’m really cool, and I should be auditioning for “Survivor” right now, or I need to use up some of my non-perishables.
Kelly @ Love Well’s last blog post..I’m Sorry. Did Someone Say It’s Bathing Suit Season?
It said I could go 55 days…so tell me, why is my family always starving???
Oh my goodness. Where’s Banjo the bunny when I need him? 35 days. Not good.
Heth’s last blog post..Auntie Heth
140 days… but that’s with 2 pets, a couple leather coats and just the hubby and me… our kids would have to fend for themselves in their own houses. LOL
Howdy’s last blog post..A Gift… to Ponder…
I got a 92% on the programming language quiz…I’m so disappointed in myself.
Oh, and 28 days in my house.
You know they recommend a 90 supply in case of a pandemic…time to stock up now.
I’m not eating my dog either! The cat….hmmm nope not her either.
I’m not going to tell you what I scored.
Shelley (aka brghtii)
55 days. And I don’t know how hungry I’d have to be before I’d think “MM! Cat!”
Rebecca’s last blog post..I DID write yesterday!