Beatrix turned seven yesterday. Her birthday cake wish was anything with Twilight Sparkle standing majestically atop. It could have been a hay bale, a stack of tires, or a log cabin made of beef jerky sticks; if Twilight were involved, she’d be one happy pre-preteen.
I often top cakes with little toys. They’re inexpensive, the kid gets a trinket, and they disguise iffy frosting jobs. I looked around for Twilight Sparkle toys, but most have the brushable, flowing hair. I pictured myself shampooing buttercream out of a tiny tail and mane. No thanks. During my search, I found this cake topper set at Amazon. Both Twilight Sparkle and Applejack are hard plastic, so no spa treatments would be necessary. (I left the barn scene off the cake, obviously)

Friendship is Magically Delicious
Ponies are from a place where rainbows rule. Last spring, I made these cupcakes. They were easy and so cute, I decided to revisit the theme. After frosting the two-layer cakes with baby blue tinted buttercream, I placed Airheads Xtremes Rainbow Berry strips around the outer edge, separated by mini marshmallows. I cut each strip in half, which was the perfect size for the arcs. Too short, they don’t arc well, too long, the frosting can’t support. I ended up with eight arcs.

Pegasisters and Bronys, unite in the name of buttercream!
Beatrix loved the cake. It’s one of my favorites, too, and it was so easy. You don’t have to be a cake decorating genius to pull it off.
Adorabe, as always.
Ivy’s birthday is Sunday and I’m super tempted to make some cupcakes like this for her party! She’d love it.
I love it! My daughter is very much into My Little Pony right now. In fact, her Dad knows all of their names and their cutie marks!