Update: Yes!
Archie and I are going home today! The pediatrician said Archie’s recovery has exceeded all his expectations. This morning’s checkup shows a thriving baby boy with a clean bill of health. He is like an entirely new baby—even from last night, when I thought he looked good.
Praise the Lord, O my soul
(more spiritual thoughts to come…reflecting back over this week I have some amazing things to share beginning with the wee hours of Monday morning, before I had any inkling Archie would be born that very day…)
It appears the only time I have to write is at 4:00 am.
I can’t believe it’s been 24 hours since my last update. Time is strange in the land of the rising blood pressures. I had no idea this experience would feature so many highs and lows, and all within minutes of each other.
There were several discouraging moments yesterday, like when Archie wouldn’t wake to eat for hours. He was doing spectacularly with everything else—breathing room air now, holding his temperature steady, bilirubin and sugars normal, x-ray improvement. They said I could try to nurse him, but he wanted nothing to do with it. Nothing. I returned to my room for lunch and cried.
Little did I know, a few hours later, he’d nurse for almost an hour solid while wide awake! The rest of his feedings yesterday went beyond my hopes. Archie nursed like a champ. Not quite like he invented it, but more like he was a big investor in the scheme and was on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony. It was that good.
Then the word “home” was mentioned…
I have to leave today. I can’t imagine leaving without him.
Today’s x-ray has to show improvement, again. What are they looking for?
They want to make sure the air in his chest cavity is gone. What happened anyway, Gretchen?
When he was born, a small hole tore in one of his lungs. The sheer force of his first breath caused a leak of air into his chest cavity which slowly built up so much pressure each time he inhaled that his chest organs were distorted, displaced, and on the right side, collapsed. Usually, it is apparent very soon after birth, but with Archie they are speculating that his hole was very small and tore a little more on Tuesday afternoon (hence the sudden appearance of serious trouble).
It’s called pneumothorax. He was (this close) to needing a chest tube.
This brings me back to thoughts of home. He isn’t far from moving in to our happy yellow house. Will it be today?
God will’n and the creek don’t rise… you’ll have that little one snug at home with you very, very soon! I continue to keep you in my prayers…
Howdy’s last blog post..Enough Already!
I’m glad things are improving! I hope you are all home safe very soon!
kris’s last blog post..Dinner Party
I’m so glad to hear all of this good news…praying you will BOTH be home very soon.
anonymouse’s last blog post..she lives!
Oh Gretchen, I am so glad to hear of Archie’s improvement. I will pray that he will join you at home in short order.
Goslyn’s last blog post..Please Pray
I have been following this since Suzanne posted it on her blog. I will pray for strength for you and your family as you continue to await answers and weather this turbulent time in your lives.
Kristen’s last blog post..Is Your Opinion Really Humble?
I’m just checking in for the first time in weeks – wondering as I clicked if there had been a birth at the happy yellow house. What a time you have had! I’m so glad, although I didn’t know what was up, that you and Archie have been in my prayers for months. Now, listen hard: before you go home force yourself to GET SOME REST!
nutmeg’s last blog post..my Fitness challenge
Gretchen, I pray that today will bring more good news and that your little guy will be home with you very soon! You are always in our thoughts!
I can’t even imagine how difficult this time has been for you. but you know God is good and all will be well!
Courtney from Mommie Blogs’s last blog post..hitting snooze on my biological clock
Such good news in the midst of the ups and downs, and I’m glad you know what happened, and that it’s not likely something to be repeated (I assume).
I see I was just too early.
I checked my google reader for an update this morning, then realized you were no doubt asleep since I’m 7 hours ahead of you. But no!
Hang in there! Can’t wait to see pics and hear that you’re BOTH home safe and sound. In the meantime, I’ll keep you all in my prayers.
edj’s last blog post..12th Night
So, so glad you have a diagnosis. Will pray he continues to improve.
I hope you all go home together.
Oh goodness, somehow I clicked through onto your 911 post and thought it was the last one you’d written…
I’m so glad to hear that Archie is getting better… I’ll be praying that he gets to come home soon. Those protective feelings are so strong in the beginning, aren’t they? It’s like torture to be away. And then pumping… wow you need a lot of love, little Mama. you’re a champ.
much love,
Rae’s last blog post..From your giggling daughter
Oh my goodness. Archie! You have some stories to tell. And oh how I feel he’ll be giving you so much to write about.
Adventures In Babywearing’s last blog post..Bursty
Thanks for taking the time to explain what happened. Praying Archie continues to improve and that he’s home soon!
Melanie’s last blog post..Are They Serious?! ***UPDATED***
That is such good news, and thanks for explaining what happened. It is heartbreaking to watch any child go through pain/suffering, but especially when it is your own. Praying he gets to go home soon!
Minnesotamom’s last blog post..I Am Second
Here’s hoping this finds you both home and doing well.
Joanne’s last blog post..Looking Back At 2008
So glad you are getting to go home – yay Archie!!
Kelly’s last blog post..Sister
I’m so thankful for the healthy little boy you took home with you! God is so amazing!
Going home! Have a wonderful babymoon with the whole family!
I’m so happy for you
Praise the Lord! So happy to hear such wonderful news.
God is good. All the time.
Stephanie’s last blog post..Oregon Quirks and Perks
Oh, thanks be to God! And thank YOU for the update.
I’m not crying right now, I’m totally not, because that would make me a crazy, hormonal pregnant lady and WE ALL KNOW that’s not me.
Oh, wait…
Kira’s last blog post..Yes, I’m babbling. Blame the hormones.
YAY!!! I’m so happy for you all, Gretchen!
Ann’s last blog post..Please help me organize?
I’ve heard that term on medical shows but never knew what it was. I am SOOO glad he’s getting to come home when you do!! What a blessing that he has recovered so well and got nursing down pat.
Barbara H.’s last blog post..Whose life is it, anyway?
Praise God!!! I’m so happy for you!
homeskoolmommy’s last blog post..It’s a…
Oh Thanks be to God! I am so very delighted and teary to be reading this good report, Gretchen. And the whole reason behind the trouble just sounds horrific and scary. Happy, happy, HAPPY that you will be cozily ensconced in your home all together today!
Jenni’s last blog post..I Can Haiku, Can You Haiku?
Oh Gretchen, what wonderful news! I am so happy for you and Archie! I bet his siblings can’t wait to have him with them. What a testament to the power of prayer, and of our awesome God. I am so glad you have so many friends on this blog, to be able to send up continuous petitions to Him on your behalf. God bless you and your precious baby boy!
Just curious, when that condition arises, does it generally resolve itself? I mean, did the hole close itself up, and so he is healed? Is it something that you have to watch for, to see if it reoccurs, or is he safe now that his lungs are matured? It is not something I have heard of before.
Gretchen (the other other one!)’s last blog post..Ice
I am so happy for you!! What a wonderful blessing. I praise God for such a miracle. What a week you have had. Have a safe journey home.
Valerie’s last blog post..The Pain of Success
Yay, yay, YAY!! I’m so glad to hear y’all are both going home today! I love it when God answers prayers – it is just SO cool!
Oh I am so thrilled and so tired for you! I think just climb into bed with your little guy and stay there together for long long time. I am praying that your first weekend at home together goes smoothly.
se7en’s last blog post..2009 International Weblog Awards.
More good news! Yippee!
Heth’s last blog post..No. Not in the House.
I’m so happy for you, I could cry.
Okie Sister’s last blog post..Power To The People
How wonderful!!!
I cannot wait to see a picture of little Archie
Dawn’s last blog post..Cookie Time
So glad you are going home!
Whee, thank you Papa!!!!
WHOO HOO!!! Doing a happy dance over here in PA, and hoping that you and your darling boy are already settled at home. Praise the Lord!
Goslyn’s last blog post..Please Pray
Congratulations Gretchen! I am so happy to hear you are heading home with your precious baby Archie. What an amazing start to 2009 – hope things only get better from here on out! Enjoy that sweet baby.
Hurray! Hope you are settled in your own bed now, nursing and snuggling.
Paula’s last blog post..Is the New Blog Working?
Oh wow–I am so thrilled to hear this. What amazing news. Rejoicing with you!
Welcome home!
Bonnie’s last blog post..King Daddy Is Fired
SUCH a wonderful thing to hear. Prayers for continued improvement!!!!
Gretchen, I am thrilled beyond words, and praising the Lord with you for Archie’s healing. Can’t wait to read your next update — the one you will write from home, with Archie sleeping peacefully just in the next room.
That is wonderful news Gretchen!!! Can’t wait to see pictures of your perfect little sweety!!!
Denise’s last blog post..Thank you Missy!
Praise the Lord! We will keep you in our prayers!
Joy’s last blog post..I Believe The Term Is “Nesting”
Gretchen, I am so glad to hear that all is well. I love the name “archie”. So cute!
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy these first few days with your little one!
randi’s last blog post..fun stuff
I am just nearly SOBBING I am so happy and joyful and relieved. My heart is just singing. YAY YAY YAY! What joyous news. I can’t wait to hear more.
Megan@SortaCrunchy’s last blog post..Laura’s Story, Part 2
Congratulations on the birth of your little one and I’m SO glad to read that you both are home now!!!
Melany’s last blog post..Emotional
I am absolutely thrilled that he is well and going home! PTL
Lisa’s last blog post..Random Thoughts