Smile! Fall and Winter collided and they taste delicious together

Sam, Archie, Beatrix, Tommy, and Joel

Tommy was most excited about being reunited with his sock monkey hat

Neighbor's tree draped into our yard thanks to heavy, sopping snow
White is not a mere absence of color; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black. God paints in many colors; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white. ~G.K. Chesterton

It's perfect, wet snow for making snowmen...after school?

Wow, Gretchen, that is gorgeous. We’re not there yet, in Minnesota, but seeing your photos reminded me that one of my favorite days of every year is the day of the first snow. The whole world is beautiful, clean, shining, and new. There is absolutely nothing quite like it. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful! I love first snows. The contrast of the tree branches, dark and dead (or mostly dead, in this case), laden with pure white. Chesterton is right!
I just don’t know how you withstand the cold, really we are such wimps over here… Just the excitement on little B’s face demonstrates that this is the most exciting thing… look at that happy little face – love it to bits!!! Enjoy the snow!!!
LOVE THIS! Love it.
After our long, long, hot, hot, hot summer, I am actually looking forward to winter this year. I need restoration from all of the heat and drought. These pictures are making me anticipate winter with excitement – SO RARE for me!
Beautiful. Snow. Pictures. Children. God’s handiwork.
Wow, last night I just had such a feeling for winter and putting up our Christmas tree. I can’t believe we still have Thanksgiving to come.