
Ancient History

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Before spring break, Aidan brought a few very small sprouting plants home from school. This is the time of year when elementary school children plant seeds in old yogurt cups and two-liter Coke bottles, subjecting them to all sorts of creative growing conditions to learn which growing method is best and which will produce a […]


Almost two weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant.

On Monday, March 24th, the pregnancy began to end at my parents’ home in Grand Junction. I had driven there with the kids earlier in the day and tried to blame what I was seeing and feeling on the effects of travel. But it […]


By now we’d have a newborn. But we don’t.

Life would look like this:

My mom would be here. I’d camp on the living room recliner, aching from the c-section. I’d be engorged and sore, shaking my head at the ridiculous notion that if it hurts, you aren’t nursing correctly. It hurts, at first. […]