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Dork Report #4 ~ Blood Moon Eclipse Tetrad Complete. Level Up.

Last night signaled the end of a four-part project. I had my doubts along the way. We shivered. We yawned. We disturbed neighbors with outlandishly loud gas. In an odd way, I’m proud that most of the kids and I witnessed all four of the eclipsed moons this past year and a half. We found […]

11 Things About Having Kids With Jobs

Our three oldest kids are employed. How did this happen? Two have paying jobs, one has a rare and sought-after volunteer position at a major cultural attraction in Denver. These developments have changed a lot of aspects of family life around here. Most importantly, it’s changed them, too.

1. They have more money and […]

Dogs and high school graduates have brains but we can’t be sure about their mothers

One of the more difficult things about having a zillion kids is the gap in age between the older kids and younger kids. This is also a bonus, as both older kids and younger benefit from having each other around. Certain occasions magnify the differences and those differences were more apparent the past few weeks […]